Multinodular goiter

Case contributed by Dr Nikola Todorovic , 5 May 2017
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Henry Knipe, 6 May 2017

Updates to Case Attributes

Presentation was changed:
First ultrasound examination after years of a neglected goitre.
Body was changed:

The patient was diagnosed with multinodular goitre years ago but left it untreated. 

Now she was referred for help because of difficulties breathing and swallowing, arrhythmia and dilatated neck veins. FT4 is treethree times over the rangeupper normal limit.

According to the TI-RADS recommendations, theseThis patient iswas sent to the surgeon for the biopsy, further evaluation, and treatment per TI-RADS recommendations.

  • -<p>The patient was diagnosed with multinodular goitre years ago but left it untreated. </p><p>Now she referred for help because of difficulties breathing and swallowing, arrhythmia and dilatated neck veins. FT4 is tree times over the range limit.</p><p>According to the TI-RADS recommendations, these patient is sent to the surgeon for the biopsy, further evaluation, and treatment.</p>
  • +<p>The patient was diagnosed with multinodular goitre years ago but left it untreated. </p><p>Now she was referred because of difficulties breathing and swallowing, arrhythmia and dilatated neck veins. FT4 is three times over the upper normal limit.</p><p>This patient was sent to the surgeon for the biopsy, further evaluation, and treatment per TI-RADS recommendations. </p>
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Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

Extremely enlarged multinodular thyroid gland. Isthmus is around 12 mm in the biggest diameter. The biggest node is in the left lobe and measure around 65 x 38 x 50 mm (CC x AP x LL), heterogeneous, with areas of cystic and colloid degeneration, with calcifications up to 3 mm, with increased peri and intranodal vascularity.

Centrally submandibularyin the submandibular region there is an anechoic 9 mm lesion and inthe differential diagnosis can includeincludes thyroglossal duct cyst or cystic lymph node (small possibility).

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