Naso-ethmoidal meningoencephalocele

Case contributed by Mohamed Saber
Diagnosis certain


Severe headache, dizziness, vomiting.

Patient Data

Age: 40 years
Gender: Male

Extensive intracranial pneumocephalus with low signal intensity gas is seen involving the subarachnoid CSF spaces, basal cisterns, and bilateral frontal subdural spaces more at the right side. marked blooming is seen in the T2 GRE.

Bilateral loss of the cribriform plate of ethmoid and anterior paramedian bony cranial fossa with subsequent herniation of the basal frontal gyri into the ethmoid sinuses and superior nasal cavities consistent with naso-ethmoid meningoencephalocele.

CT study confirms the MR findings.

Case Discussion

Surgical repair was done for this patient. A few days post-operative, the patient had a severe headache and CT showed bilateral frontal large hematomas subjected to another surgical evacuation. Unfortunately, the patient passed away a few days later.

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