Neuropathic knee with calcified synovium

Case contributed by Matt Skalski
Diagnosis almost certain


1 year of mild to moderate knee pain, getting worse. History of poorly managed diabetes.

Patient Data

Age: 60 years
Gender: Male

Fracture/fragmentation of the medial tibial plateau and thin periarticular calcifications corresponding to the capsular/synovial margins.

Incidental proximal MCL calcification and bipartite patella.

Chronic-appearing fracture and fragmentation of the medial tibial plateau and tibial eminence with extensive synovial calcification.

Incidental proximal MCL calcification and bipartite patella.

Case Discussion

Typical appearing neuropathic destruction of the medial tibial plateau with strange synovial calcifications which are presumably related, likely secondary to ongoing resorption of fragmented intra-articular boney debris or chronic hemarthrosis.

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