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Patella avascular necrosis (Köhler disease)

Case contributed by Gebreegziabher Hailay
Diagnosis probable


Bilateral knee pain. No history of trauma.

Patient Data

Age: 7 years
Gender: Female

Bilateral knees


Bilaterally, the primary ossification center of the patellae is small with irregular margins and a mottled appearance. There are areas of increased density and subtle fragmentation.

Case Discussion

Since its initial description by Köhler in 1908, osteonecrosis of the primary ossification center of the patella has been documented in a number of case reports. While bilateral disease was also reported, as in our case, the majority of case reports were in males with unilateral knee involvement. It can be asymptomatic or present with mild symptoms, in which case a high index of suspicion is required to diagnose.

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