Percutaneous puncture of urinary catheter balloon

Case contributed by Daniel J. Christmas
Diagnosis certain


Patient presents with urinary catheter balloon that could not be deflated, preventing catheter removal.

Patient Data

Age: 75 years
Gender: Male

Sagittal view of the urinary bladder with catheter balloon seen adjacent to the posterior bladder wall fully inflated.

Scrolling through the stack shows subsequent puncture of the balloon with release of fluid and bubbles into the bladder.

Final few images in the stack show the hyperechoic linear tip of the spinal needle used to achieve the puncture.

Case Discussion

Inpatient with urinary catheter balloon that could not be deflated by ward staff.

Catheter tubing had been cut just beyond the meatus externally and an attempt to pass a guidewire along the balloon channel had been made. Neither intervention reopened the balloon channel to deflate balloon and allow catheter removal.

Decision was made to puncture the catheter balloon percutaneously under ultrasound guidance to allow for catheter removal, following discussion with local IR.

Procedure performed with C1-5 curvilinear ultrasound probe and 22G spinal needle.

Following puncture, catheter tubing and balloon were removed intact.

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