Periapical cyst - large

Case contributed by Priya Dharshini S , 19 Jan 2024
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Priya Dharshini S, 20 Jan 2024
Disclosures - updated 2 Jan 2024: Nothing to disclose

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Periapical cysts or radicular cysts are the most common odontogenic cysts of the jaw. These cysts arise from cell rests of Malassez due to periapical inflammation. These cysts grow by three stages namely the initiation, cavity formation and enlargement by osmosis. Surgical management is the ideal treatment to prevent recurrences.

  • +<p>Periapical cysts or radicular cysts are the most common odontogenic cysts of the jaw. These cysts arise from <strong>cell rests of Malassez</strong> due to periapical inflammation. These cysts grow by three stages namely the<strong> initiation, cavity formation and enlargement by osmosis.</strong> Surgical management is the ideal treatment to prevent recurrences.</p>
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