
Case contributed by Abdallah Mohamed , 9 Dec 2019
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Yusra Sheikh, 17 Sep 2020

Updates to Case Attributes

Status changed from pending review to published (public).
Published At was set to .
Age changed from 30 to 30 years.
Presentation was changed:
A 30-year-old female patient presented with rightRight loin pain and hypertension

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

Triple phase CT was performed which revealed aA large well defined right suprarenal mass lesion that is separated from the liver by a rim of fat is seen (best appreciated in portovenous phase). The lesion demonstrates heterogeneous contrast enhancement with areas of cystic changes/necrosis. It is of note that the lesion tends to enhance more during the portovenous phase with retained contrast during the delayed phase.

The rest of the scan was unremarkable.

Giving the radiological appearance and clinical presentation of uncontrolled hypertension pheochromocytoma is the best fitting diagnosis.

Caption was added:
Triple phase CT examination

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