Pituitary macroadenoma

Case contributed by Funoon Mohammed Al-Hamedi , 23 Dec 2021
Changed by Yusra Sheikh, 27 Dec 2021

Updates to Case Attributes

Presentation was changed:
The patient presented complaining of headacheHeadache and double vision (diplopia).

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

There is a large sellar mass lesion extending to the suprasellar area (giving a snowman appearance) and causing the expansion of the sella and mass effect to the floor of 3rd ventricle superiorly,

The lesion appears isointense on T1W sequence and slightly hyperintense on T2W sequences, enhancing heterogeneously on post contrast exam and showing cystic changes, without obvious calcification or hemorrhagic component .

The optic chiasm is not clearly visualized being mostly compressed by the lesion. 

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