Pleural hydatid disease

Case contributed by Michael P Hartung , 12 Jun 2024
Diagnosis almost certain
Changed by Liz Silverstone, 14 Jun 2024
Disclosures - updated 6 Dec 2023: Nothing to disclose
Hidden edits. Some edits not affecting the appearance of this case have been suppressed.

Updates to Case Attributes

Age was set to 40 years.

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

Multiple complex cysts involving the imaged liver, some of which contain fat, calcifications, and daughtersdaughter cysts. Bulky complex cystic structures in the right pleural space compressing the lung parenchyma. Few small mediastinal cysts.

Images Changes:

Image 98 CT (C+ arterial phase) ( create )

Annotation 20933 changed from ,0 arrows,0 labels to calcifications,1 arrow,1 label.

Image 98 CT (C+ arterial phase) ( create )

Annotation 20936 changed from ,0 arrows,0 labels to fat,1 arrow,1 label.

Image 98 CT (C+ arterial phase) ( create )

Annotation 20937 changed from ,0 arrows,0 labels to daughter,1 arrow,1 label.

Image 98 CT (C+ arterial phase) ( create )

Annotation 20938 changed from ,0 arrows,0 labels to mediastinal,1 arrow,1 label.

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