Progressive postnatal pansynostosis

Case contributed by Dalia Ibrahim , 10 Jun 2019
Diagnosis almost certain
Changed by Mostafa Elfeky, 21 Sep 2022
Disclosures - updated 11 May 2022: Nothing to disclose

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Progressive postnatal pansynostosis is a rare form of craniosynostosis characterizedcharacterised by late fusion of all cranial sutures. 

This type of craniosynostosis occurs insidiously after birth and presents later in life, unlike other types of craniosynostosis which occur during the prenatal period. 

The late fusion of cranial sutures means that the diagnosis is delayed and typically presents with signs of an increased intracranial pressure with a rather normal, albeit smaller than average, head size.

  • -<p><a href="/articles/progressive-postnatal-pansynostosis-2">Progressive postnatal pansynostosis</a> is a rare form of <a href="/articles/craniosynostosis">craniosynostosis</a> characterized by late fusion of all cranial sutures. </p><p>This type of <a title="Craniosynostosis" href="/articles/craniosynostosis">craniosynostosis</a> occurs insidiously after birth and presents later in life, unlike other types of craniosynostosis which occur during the prenatal period.  </p><p>The late fusion of cranial sutures means that the diagnosis is delayed and typically presents with signs of an <a href="/articles/raised-intracranial-pressure">increased intracranial pressure</a> with a rather normal, albeit smaller than average, head size.</p>
  • +<p><a href="/articles/progressive-postnatal-pansynostosis-2">Progressive postnatal pansynostosis</a> is a rare form of <a href="/articles/craniosynostosis">craniosynostosis</a> characterised by late fusion of all cranial sutures. </p><p>This type of <a href="/articles/craniosynostosis">craniosynostosis</a> occurs insidiously after birth and presents later in life, unlike other types of craniosynostosis which occur during the prenatal period. </p><p>The late fusion of cranial sutures means that the diagnosis is delayed and typically presents with signs of <a href="/articles/raised-intracranial-pressure">increased intracranial pressure</a> with a rather normal, albeit smaller than average, head size.</p>

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Image CT (Topogram) ( update )

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Image CT (3D-volume rendered bone window) ( update )

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Image CT (bone window) ( update )

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Image CT (non-contrast) ( update )

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