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Pseudosinus tract

Case contributed by Jennifer Luna
Diagnosis almost certain


Sacral dimple identified on routine baby check

Patient Data

Age: 12 days
Gender: Male

Sacrococcygeal region


Hypoechoic cord-like structure extending from the sacral dimple to the coccygeal cartilage, suggestive of a pseudosinus tract. Normal appearance of the spinal cord with the conus medullaris terminating above the L2 level. No abnormality of the filum terminale or cauda equina nerve roots. Normal appearance of both kidneys. 

Case Discussion

The patient was imaged due to a sacral dimple found on routine baby check. The ultrasound was suggestive of a pseudosinus tract. There was no communication with the underlying thecal sac identified and no associated mass, fluid collection or CSF leakage.  This location (between the sacral dimple and the coccyx) is the typical location for a pseudosinus tract which is a normal variant. 

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