Pulmonary Behçet disease

Case contributed by Ali Abougazia
Diagnosis certain


Known case of Behçet disease.

Patient Data

Age: 30 years
Gender: Male

The main pulmonary artery and its major branches show wall thickening, best noted at the right pulmonary artery, with right common basal artery three saccular aneurysms with no thrombosis.

The left common basal artery is occluded just distal to the superior segmental artery.

A left lower lung lobe postero-lateral segment irregular cavitary lesion is seen measuring 6 X 4 cm in axial dimensions with thick regular wall.

Case Discussion

Pulmonary arteritis, right common basal artery aneurysms, left common basal artery occlusion and lower lung lobe chronic abscess, mostly post-infarct. Classic picture of Behçet disease.

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