Rudimentary coeliac artery with collaterals through gastroduodenal artery

Case contributed by Bruno Di Muzio , 24 Mar 2013
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Bruno Di Muzio, 24 Mar 2013

Updates to Case Attributes

Diagnostic Certainty was set to .
Race changed from Caucasian to .
Body was changed:

The most commonly collateral vessels that supply a stenotic or occlude celiarceliac artery are the pancreaticoduodenal arcades and the dorsal pancreatic artery1.

  • -<p>The most commonly collateral vessels that supply a stenotic or occlude celiar artery are the pancreaticoduodenal arcades and the dorsal pancreatic artery<sup>1</sup>.</p>
  • +<p>The most commonly collateral vessels that supply a stenotic or occlude celiac artery are the pancreaticoduodenal arcades and the dorsal pancreatic artery <sup>1</sup>.</p>

Updates to Study Attributes

Caption was added:
CT Abdomen (selected images)
Findings was added:

The findings were described on the next study. 

Images Changes:

Image CT (C+ arterial phase) ( update )

Perspective was set to Sagittal.

Image CT (C+ arterial phase) ( update )

Perspective was set to Coronal.

Image CT (C+ arterial phase) ( update )

Perspective was set to Axial.

Updates to Study Attributes

Modality changed from Diagram to Annotated image.
Images Changes:

Image Annotated image ( update )

Single Or Stack Root was set to .

Image Annotated image ( update )

Single Or Stack Root was set to .

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