Scar endometriosis

Case contributed by Mohammad Salem Amer , 2 Feb 2024
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Joachim Feger, 4 Feb 2024
Disclosures - updated 27 Nov 2023: Nothing to disclose

Updates to Case Attributes

Presentation was changed:
Young female came with localizedLocalized abdominal pain in the left inguinal region. Patient gave a historyHistory of a laparotomy for ruptured ectopic pregnancy,; also underwent ultrasound in another country which suggested hernia vs. ectopic pregnancy. She was examined by the clinician and referred to CT unit for evaluation.
Body was changed:

Scar endometriosis is an abnormal presence of endometrial tissue at the site of the scar. Most commonly reported with CS scar. Our case represented an endometriosis at the site of the scar of laparotomy for disturbed ectopic pregnancy. Scar endometriosis should be always considered in any patient who gavehas a history of such operations with localised pain, especially if associated with other features like increased pain during menstruation.

  • -<p><a href="/articles/caesarian-scar-endometriosis-4" title="Caesarian scar endometriosis">Scar endometriosis</a> is an abnormal presence of endometrial tissue at the site of the scar. Most commonly reported with CS scar. Our case represented an endometriosis at the site of the scar of laparotomy for disturbed ectopic pregnancy. Scar endometriosis should be always considered in any patient who gave a history of such operations with localised pain, especially if associated with other features like increased pain during menstruation.</p>
  • +<p><a href="/articles/caesarian-scar-endometriosis-4" title="Caesarian scar endometriosis">Scar endometriosis</a> is an abnormal presence of endometrial tissue at the site of the scar. Most commonly reported with CS scar. Our case represented an endometriosis at the site of the scar of laparotomy for disturbed ectopic pregnancy. Scar endometriosis should be always considered in any patient who has a history of such operations with localised pain, especially if associated with other features like increased pain during menstruation.</p>

Updates to Freetext Attributes

Description was changed:

According to the history of surgical operation, CT and ultrasound findings, a differential diagnosis was made as scar endometriosis vs. desmoid tumortumour. UnlikelyThe differential diagnosis of inguinal hernia was found to be inguinal herniaunlikely as no defects could be detected either by CT or ultrasound.

Proven by histopathology as scar endometriosis.

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