Sciatic nerve injury - iatrogenic

Case contributed by Maulik S Patel
Diagnosis almost certain


Left mid-third posterior thigh region stab wound. Foot drop after surgical soft tissue repair. Ultrasound to check sciatic nerve.

Patient Data

Age: 25 years
Gender: Male

A short segment of the sciatic nerve (about 20 mm in length) is retracted towards the skin under the scar. Surgical sutures around the nerve distort its shape. The nerve continuity is maintained

Surgical sutures are also present in the repaired adjacent muscle. The adductor magnus shows a laceration defect.

Case Discussion

A young male had a posterior thigh stab wound. The patient developed a foot drop after the surgical wound repair raising possibility of an iatrogenic sciatic nerve injury. The ultrasound confirms a 'sutured' sciatic nerve. The affected nerve segment evaluation is suboptimal due to sutures around it.

The nerve was surgically released from the sutures.

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