Soft tissue metastasis secondary to lung cancer

Case contributed by Nico Behnke
Diagnosis almost certain


Asymptomatic patient. History withheld.

Patient Data

Age: 75 years
Gender: Male

History of adenocarcinoma of the lung with sarcomatoid component (diagnosis after lobectomy of the right lower lobe one year ago).

Post-lobectomy of the right lower lobe with scarring of the lung fissure and scarring of the dorsal aspects of the dorsally migrated middle lobe (no change compared to the older studies, not uploaded).

Several small lung nodules in the lateral left lower lobe (no change compared to the first study three years ago, not uploaded).

Partially imaged hypodense lesion with peripheral enhancement in the left adductor magnus muscle (at least 6 x 3 cm), highly suspicious for skeletal muscle metastasis secondary to lung cancer.

Case Discussion

This is a new finding during regular staging intervals.

Always be sure to also check the very first and very last images of the study. In this case the skeletal muscle metastasis was almost missed.

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