Subclavian steal phenomenon

Case contributed by Servet Kahveci , 27 Apr 2018
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Frank Gaillard, 7 May 2018

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Subclavian steal phenomenon results from occlusion or severe stenosis of the proximal subclavian artery resulting in retrograde flow in the ipsilateral vertebral artery and mono-biphasic flow pattern in the ipsilateral arm arteries (decreased blood pressure in the ipsilateral brachial artery compared to contralateral side).

  • -<p>Subclavian steal phenomenon results from occlusion or severe stenosis of the proximal subclavian artery resulting in retrograde flow in the ipsilateral vertebral artery and mono-biphasic flow pattern in the ipsilateral arm arteries (decreased blood pressure in the ipsilateral brachial artery compared to contralateral side).</p>
  • +<p><a title="Subclavian steal phenomenon" href="/articles/subclavian-steal-syndrome">Subclavian steal phenomenon</a> results from occlusion or severe stenosis of the proximal subclavian artery resulting in retrograde flow in the ipsilateral vertebral artery and mono-biphasic flow pattern in the ipsilateral arm arteries (decreased blood pressure in the ipsilateral brachial artery compared to contralateral side).</p>

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Findings was changed:

Colour Doppler Ultrasonography of the vertebral arteries showshows a complete reversal of bloodflow on the left side. The left vertebral artery shows blue due to retrograde flow. The right vertebral artery shows normal antegrade flow shown as red in colour.

Bilateral carotid arteries show normal antegrade flow also shownin red colour.

The left brachial artery shows a monophasic while the right brachial artery shows a triphasic waveform.

All these findings imply an occlusion or high grade-grade stenosis of the left proximal subclavian artery.

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Findings was changed:

Occlusion of the left subclavian artery (yellow arrow) at its origin measuring approximately 2 cm in length. 

Blood is drawn from the vertebral artery (red arrow) to provide flow in the affected subclavian artery distal to the stenosis.

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