Teres minor atrophy

Case contributed by Kamel Mahmoud Alkhateeb , 15 Nov 2019
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Mostafa Elfeky, 20 Nov 2019

Updates to Case Attributes

Status changed from pending review to published (public).
Published At was set to .
Presentation was changed:
Chronic shoulder pain.
Body was changed:

Teres minor atrophy is a shoulder pathology seen usually as a part of other syndromes with rotator cuff muscle atrophy including quadrilateral space syndrome. Sometime it seen as isolated finding with unknown exact aetiology, but some studies suggest the considerable anatomical variation in both the origin and length of teres minor nerve that increaseincreases the risk of impingement and subsequent isolated teres minor atrophy.

  • -<p>Teres minor atrophy is a shoulder pathology seen usually as a part of other syndromes with rotator cuff muscle atrophy including quadrilateral space syndrome. Sometime it seen as isolated finding with unknown exact aetiology, but some studies suggest the considerable anatomical variation in both the origin and length of teres minor nerve that increase the risk of impingement and subsequent isolated teres minor atrophy.</p>
  • +<p>Teres minor atrophy is a shoulder pathology seen usually as a part of other syndromes with rotator cuff muscle atrophy including quadrilateral space syndrome. Sometime it seen as isolated finding with unknown exact aetiology, but some studies suggest the considerable anatomical variation in both the origin and length of teres minor nerve that increases the risk of impingement and subsequent isolated teres minor atrophy.</p>

References changed:

  • 1. Wilson L, Sundaram M, Piraino DW, Ilaslan H, Recht MP. Isolated teres minor atrophy: manifestation of quadrilateral space syndrome or traction injury to the axillary nerve?. (2006) Orthopedics. 29 (5): 447-50. <a href="https://doi.org/10.3928/01477447-20060501-09">doi:10.3928/01477447-20060501-09</a> - <a href="https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16729747">Pubmed</a> <span class="ref_v4"></span>

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

Atrophy of teres minor muscle with fatty infiltration.

No obvious focal lesion in quadrilateral space.

Images Changes:

Image MRI (PD) ( update )

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Image MRI (T2) ( update )

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Image MRI (STIR) ( update )

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Image MRI (STIR) ( update )

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