Thalidomide embryopathy

Case contributed by Evangeline Collins , 21 Sep 2023
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Ryan Thibodeau, 6 Oct 2023
Disclosures - updated 20 Jan 2023: Nothing to disclose

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Presentation was changed:
Rotational force, reduced ROMrange of motion, increasing pain, fracture. Known thalidomide exposure.
Body was changed:

Obvious skeletal malformation of the upper distal limb in a patient with a known history of thalidomide.

The illness known as thalidomide embryopathy, which is caused by in utero-utero exposure to the drug, is distinguished by a number of foetal malformations. The majority of thalidomide exposure in foetuses happened between 1957 and 1961, when it was prescribed to pregnant women to relieve morning sickness.

It can lead to limb, facial and cardiac abnormalities or limited growth.

  • -<p>Obvious skeletal malformation of the upper distal limb in a patient with a known history of <a href="/articles/thalidomide-embryopathy" title="Thalidomide embryopathy">thalidomide</a>.</p><p>The illness known as thalidomide embryopathy, which is caused by <em>in utero</em> exposure to the drug, is distinguished by a number of foetal malformations. The majority of thalidomide exposure in foetuses happened between 1957 and 1961, when it was prescribed to pregnant women to relieve morning sickness.</p><p>It can lead to limb, facial and cardiac abnormalities or limited growth.</p>
  • +<p>Obvious skeletal malformation of the upper distal limb in a patient with a known history of <a href="/articles/thalidomide-embryopathy" title="Thalidomide embryopathy">thalidomide</a>.</p><p>The illness known as <a href="/articles/thalidomide-embryopathy" title="Thalidomide embryopathy">thalidomide embryopathy</a>, which is caused by <em>in-utero</em> exposure to the drug, is distinguished by a number of foetal malformations. The majority of thalidomide exposure in foetuses happened between 1957 and 1961, when it was prescribed to pregnant women to relieve morning sickness.</p><p>It can lead to limb, facial and cardiac abnormalities or limited growth.</p>

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