Toxic megacolon

Case contributed by Craig Hacking , 21 Jun 2020
Diagnosis certain
Changed by Yaïr Glick, 8 May 2021

Updates to Study Attributes

Findings was changed:

Faecal material, particularly in sigmoid and rectum, is fluid-like mild. Mild hyperaemia and wall thickening is noted involving proximal sigmoid colon, descending colon to the splenic flexure. Distal transverse colon is featureless and dilated to 72 mm. Mid transverse colon is mildly thick walled with mild hyperaemia. Hepatic flexure, ascending colon, caecum within normal limits. No evidence of large or small bowel obstruction. Small bowel within normal limits.

The liver is enlarged spanning 21.4 cm but otherwise normal. Numerous small hyperdense calculi are noted in the gallbladder without features of cholecystitis. Spleen at the upper limits of normal, 11.8 cm. Adrenal glands and kidneys are within normal limits. Prominent renal pelvis and mild calyceal dilatation is in keeping with hydronephrosis, the ureters can be traced into the bladder, no focal bladder lesions. Gas within the bladder is due to recent catheterisation.

No lymphadenopathy.

No suspicious bony lesions. Fusion of the right sacroiliac joint while the left sacroiliac joint demonstrates sclerosis and minor erosions at the inferior aspect.

Right subsegmental lower lobe atelectasis. Small non-circumferential pericardial effusion, no anterior pericardial effusion.


Colitis with some features suggesting inflammatory bowel disease as a possible cause given sacroiliac joint changes.

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