Tuberculous empyema - chronic

Case contributed by Tariq Walizai
Diagnosis almost certain


The patient has complained of chest pain and a productive cough for a few years.

Patient Data

Age: 65 years
Gender: Male

Right-sided lung parenchyma is reduced in volume.

There is a thick rind of pleura in the right hemithorax with thick and irregular calcification involving both visceral and parietal pleura which is encasing a small amount of loculated pleural effusion. Reticulonodular shadowing is seen involving the right lower lobe.

Crowding of the overlying ribs is seen.

Left lung parenchyma is normal.  No suspected lesion is noted on both sides.

Calcified lymph nodes are noted in the mediastinum and in both hilar regions.

Scoliotic deformity of dorsolumbar spine is noted.

Case Discussion

Current CT findings favor chronic tuberculous empyema involving right-sided pleura as described above.

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