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Crescent sign (disambiguation)

The characteristic shape of the crescent has been given to many radiological signs over the years: air crescent sign (aspergillosis) crescent in a doughnut sign (intussusception) crescent sign (arterial dissection) crescent sign (intravenous pyelogram) crescent sign (lung hydatid) crescent...

Higoumenakis sign (clavicle)

The Higoumenakis sign is the unilateral enlargement of the sternal end of the clavicle in patients with late congenital syphilis. It was originally described as a clinical sign on physical examination but can also be recognized on chest radiograph 5. Pathology Treponema pallidum becomes readil...

Atoll sign (lungs)

The atoll sign or reversed halo sign refers to focal ground-glass opacity with a peripheral ring of consolidation which may be complete or incomplete. The sign was originally described in organizing pneumonia but can also occur in infections, infarction, granulomatous disease, inflammation and t...

Banana sign (cerebellum)

The banana sign is one of the many notable fruit inspired signs. This sign is seen on axial imaging through the posterior fossa of fetuses with associated conditions such as  Chiari II malformation and/or spina bifida. In Chiari II malformation, the banana sign describes the way the cerebellum...

Hypodense vessel sign

The hypodense vessel sign, or hypodense artery sign, is a radiological sign appreciated on non-contrast CT brain in acute ischemic stroke due to the rare entity of fat macroembolism causing large vessel occlusion. Notably, this is a distinct sign to the hyperdense vessel sign. The sign describe...

Target sign (disambiguation)

There are many bull's eye signs, many also called target signs: Gastrointestinal intussusception: see target sign of intussusception barium studies 2 aphthoid ulcers: earliest lesion seen in Crohn disease  gastric lymphoma with central ulceration 4 gastric adenocarcinoma with central ulcer...

Central vein sign

The central vein sign is a marker for multiple sclerosis (MS) and is the imaging manifestation of the perivenular nature of demyelinating plaques. It is not pathognomonic but can be useful in helping differentiate multiple sclerosis from mimics, such as cerebral small vessel disease, neuromyelit...

Hilum convergence sign

The hilum convergence sign is a useful chest radiograph sign to distinguish the cause of a bulky hilum as due to pulmonary artery dilatation or to a juxtahilar mass, including nodal enlargement.  If pulmonary vessels appear to converge centrally towards the lateral margin of the abnormal 'bump'...

Transmantle sign (brain)

The transmantle sign is an MRI feature of focal cortical dysplasia (FCD), almost exclusively seen in type II (ILAE/Blumcke classification), and especially in type IIb 1-5. Pathology The transmantle sign is believed to be related to abnormal function of, or injury to radial glial fibers (which ...

Throckmorton sign (pelvis)

Throckmorton sign, also known as John Thomas sign, refers to when the penis points in the direction of unilateral disease, typically of the pelvis or hip.  Throckmorton sign is a slang term used humorously by medical students and residents. According to the first serious study of the sign publ...

Thymic wave sign

Thymic wave sign refers to the indentation of the normal thymus in young children by the ribs, resulting in a wavy border on chest radiograph.  There are at least 3 described signs relating to a normal thymus in infants; thymic sail sign, thymic notch sign and thymic wave sign. Being able to id...

Hanging chin sign

The hanging chin sign, also known as the chin-on-chest sign, is a radiological sign appreciated on plain chest radiographs in a geriatric (≥65 years of age) patient population. The sign describes when, on a plain chest radiograph, the mandible projects over one or more ribs 1,2. This sign is cl...

V sign (disambiguation)

Signs inspired by the letter V have been described in several different pathologies: inverted V sign (pneumoperitoneum) inverted V sign (spinal cord) Naclerio V sign (pneumomediastinum) V sign (interphalangeal joint subluxation) V sign (midbrain) V sign (chest): a clinical cutaneous sign o...

Phantom organ sign

The phantom organ sign is a term used when a large mass arises from a small organ and as a consequence, it is impossible to detect the affected organ. The identification of this sign and other radiological signs such as the embedded organ sign, beak sign, and prominent feeding artery sign on CT...

Spinnaker sign (mediastinum)

The spinnaker sign (also known as the angel wing sign) is a sign of pneumomediastinum seen on neonatal chest radiographs. It refers to the thymus being outlined by air with each lobe displaced laterally and appearing like spinnaker sails. This is distinct from the sail sign appearance of the nor...

Rigler sign (bowel)

The Rigler sign, also known as the double-wall sign, is a sign of pneumoperitoneum seen on an abdominal radiograph when gas is outlining both sides of the bowel wall, i.e. gas within the bowel's lumen and gas within the peritoneal cavity. It is seen with large amounts of pneumoperitoneum (>1000 ...

Sonographic Murphy sign

Sonographic Murphy sign is defined as maximal abdominal tenderness from the pressure of the ultrasound probe over the visualized gallbladder 1,2. It is a sign of local inflammation around the gallbladder along with right upper quadrant pain, tenderness, and/or a mass 2. It is one of the most im...

Doughnut sign (disambiguation)

The doughnut sign can refer to various imaging appearances: crescent in a doughnut sign (bowel) doughnut sign (bone scan) doughnut sign (bowel) doughnut sign (chest) doughnut sign (missed testicular torsion) doughnut sign (orbit)

Crescent sign (osteonecrosis)

The crescent sign refers to a linear cleft due to a subchondral fracture in the setting of osteonecrosis. It was originally described as a radiographic finding, however, it can also be seen on cross-sectional imaging. In the setting of Legg-Calve-Perthes disease, it heralds the beginning of th...

Thumb sign (epiglottitis)

The thumb sign in epiglottitis is a manifestation of an edematous and enlarged epiglottis which is seen on lateral soft-tissue radiograph of the neck, and it suggests a diagnosis of acute infectious epiglottitis. This is the radiographic corollary of the omega sign 1-3. See also Thumb sign is ...

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