Search results for “( "Sternoclavicular Joint Injection" OR "" OR "" OR "")”

7 results found

Common bile duct

The common bile duct (CBD), which is sometimes simply known as the bile duct, is formed by the union of the cystic duct and common hepatic duct (CHD). Terminology On ultrasound, it is not always possible to confidently see where the cystic duct enters the common hepatic duct to form the common...

Anterior pararenal space

The anterior pararenal space is the portion of the retroperitoneum that lies between the posterior surface of the parietal peritoneum and the anterior reflection of the renal fascia. Gross anatomy It contains the retroperitoneal portion of the duodenum (distal D1 to D3), the pancreas and retro...

Hyoscine-N-butylbromide (Buscopan)

Hyoscine-N-butylbromide, more commonly known by its brand name, Buscopan, is an antimuscarinic agent, widely used in radiology as an antispasmodic agent. It is employed to freeze bowel motion as part of many fluoroscopic, CT and MRI studies (its main use for many years was for barium GI studies)...

Water-soluble contrast challenge

A water-soluble contrast challenge (more widely known as a Gastrografin challenge) is a combined diagnostic study and therapeutic intervention utilised in the evaluation and management of small bowel obstruction. It is used when clinical or imaging features determine there to be small bowel obst...

Splenic vein thrombosis

Splenic vein thrombosis (plural: thromboses) is an uncommon condition in which the splenic vein becomes thrombosed, that most frequently occurs in the context of pancreatitis or pancreatic cancer. Whilst, for the most part asymptomatic, splenic vein thrombosis increases risk of gastric varices a...

Hepatic, renal and adrenal devascularisation in a multi-trauma patient

  Diagnosis certain
Dayu Gai
Published 14 Feb 2015
98% complete

Thoraco-abdominal multitrauma with diaphragmatic rupture

  Diagnosis almost certain
Dayu Gai
Published 15 Sep 2014
83% complete

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