Search results for “subarachnoid hemorrhage”

11 results found

Subarachnoid cisterns

The subarachnoid cisterns, or basal cisterns, are compartments within the subarachnoid space where the pia mater and arachnoid membrane are not in close approximation and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) forms pools or cisterns (Latin: "box"). As they are interconnected, their patency is essential for ...

Interpeduncular cistern

Gross Anatomy The interpeduncular cistern is an unpaired, cone-shaped subarachnoid cistern located anterior to the interpeduncular fossa of the midbrain. Boundaries It is partially bounded by the leaves of the Liliequist membrane, one of the arachnoid membranes, which separate it from its dir...

Subarachnoid space

The subarachnoid space is the interval between the arachnoid membrane and the pia mater. It is occupied by delicate connective tissue trabeculae and intercommunicating channels containing cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) as well as branches of the arteries and veins of the brain. The cavity is small i...

Carotid cave

The carotid cave is a potential dural space formed by the redundant distal dural ring on the medial aspect of the clinoid segment of the internal carotid artery (ICA). It has been reported to be present in ~80% of cadaveric specimens 3. Gross anatomy The clinoid segment of the ICA is bounded b...

Intracranial arteries

Intracranial arteries have a unique structure when compared to extracranial vessels of similar size: see general histology of blood vessels entry. Proximal larger arteries The proximal arteries, arising from the internal carotid and vertebral arteries have differing distribution of elastic fib...

Bochdalek's flower basket

Bochdalek's flower basket is the eponymous name for the incidental finding of protrusion of the choroid plexus through the foramina of Luschka. This is a relatively common finding. It is an important normal variant to recognise as the presence of protruding calcified choroid tissue in the fourt...

Arachnoid mater

The arachnoid mater forms the middle layer of the meninges and together with the pia mater is sometimes referred to as the leptomeninges.  Gross anatomy The arachnoid mater is a membrane that comes into direct contact with the dura mater and is separated from the pia mater by a CSF-filled spac...

Lateral apertures (of Luschka)

The lateral apertures (of Luschka) (also known as the foramina of Luschka) are two of the foramina in the ventricular system and link the fourth ventricle to the cerebellopontine cistern. Together with the median aperture (of Magendie) they comprise two of the three sites that CSF can leave the ...

Distal dural ring

The distal dural ring is an anatomical landmark that separates the extradural from the intradural intracranial internal carotid artery (ICA). It is located at the junction of the cavernous, clinoid and ophthalmic segments of the ICA. Gross anatomy Anatomy of this region is complex and varied a...

Suprasellar cistern

The suprasellar cistern (also known as the chiasmatic cistern or pentagon of basal cisterns) is one of the cerebrospinal fluid-filled subarachnoid cisterns. Gross anatomy Location The suprasellar cistern is located above the sella turcica, under the hypothalamus and between the uncus of the t...

Peduncular vein

The peduncular veins (PV) or interpeduncular veins are veins of the brainstem and tributaries of the basal vein of Rosenthal, sometimes visible on imaging in the vicinity of the basilar artery tip and the proximal posterior cerebral artery. Gross anatomy The peduncular veins drain the cerebral...

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