Search results for “subarachnoid hemorrhage”

9 results found

Spinal astrocytoma

Spinal astrocytomas are the second most common spinal cord tumour, representing 40% of intramedullary tumours 3. They account for 60% of paediatric intramedullary tumours, making them the most common spinal cord tumour in children 6. This article specifically relates to spinal astrocytomas. For...

Intramedullary spinal tumours

Intramedullary spinal tumours are rare, representing 4-10% of all CNS tumours and <10% of all paediatric CNS neoplasms 5. They account for 20% of all intraspinal tumours in adults and 35% of all intraspinal tumours in children 8. A long duration of symptoms prior to diagnosis is typical. Patho...

Meningeal melanomatosis

Meningeal melanomatosis is an aggressive version of meningeal melanocytosis and one of the recognised primary melanocytic tumours of the CNS. It represents proliferation of melanocytic cells within the subarachnoid space 1. There is a strong association with cutaneous melanocytic lesions, in whi...

Meningeal melanocytoma

Meningeal melanocytomas are rare benign primary melanocytic tumours of the CNS that are derived from leptomeningeal melanocytes. They can occur anywhere along the neuraxis but are most commonly found in the spinal canal near the foramen magnum, as well as the posterior cranial fossa, Meckel cave...

Leptomeningeal metastases

Leptomeningeal metastases, also known as carcinomatous meningitis and meningeal carcinomatosis, refers to the spread of malignant cells through the CSF space. These cells can originate from primary CNS tumours (e.g. in the form of drop metastases), as well as from distant tumours that have metas...

Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion

The syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone secretion (SIADH or SIAD) (also known as Schwartz-Bartter syndrome) was initially described in patients with lung cancer who developed hyponatraemia associated with continued urinary sodium loss. The result is often dilutional hyponatraemia in w...

Leptomeningeal enhancement

Leptomeningeal enhancement refers to a diffuse or focal gyriform or serpentine enhancement that can be seen in the following conditions: Diffuse meningitis pyogenic meningitis viral meningitis tuberculous meningitis (can also be focal) CNS cryptococcal infection coccidioidal meningitis (c...


Medulloblastomas are the most common malignant brain tumours of childhood, most often presenting as midline masses in the roof of the 4th ventricle (at the superior medullary velum) with associated mass-effect and hydrocephalus. Treatment typically consists of surgical resection, radiation thera...

Intradural extramedullary metastases

Intradural extramedullary metastases are rare and account for approximately 5% of spinal metastases. Please review leptomeningeal metastases (brain) for a general discussion focused on the brain's subarachnoid space involvement. Epidemiology The age at presentation depends on tumour type. Met...

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