1,830 results

Tubal ring sign

The tubal ring sign, also referred to as a bagel sign or blob sign, is one of the ultrasound signs of a tubal ectopic pregnancy. It comprises an echogenic ring that surrounds an unruptured ectopic pregnancy. It is said to have a 95% positive predictive value (PPV) for ectopic pregnancy. Differe...

Renal dysgenesis

Renal dysgenesis is a very broad term which can include any form underdevelopment of the kidneys. The spectrum includes: renal agenesis: complete lack of formation renal hypoplasia: partial lack of formation Some authors also classify any form of renal maldevelopment affecting size, shape of ...

Cervical incompetence

Cervical incompetence refers to a painless spontaneous dilatation of the cervix and is a common cause of second trimester pregnancy failure. Epidemiology The estimated incidence varies geographically and generally thought to be around 1-1.5% of all pregnancies 1,15. Clinical presentation Typ...

Echogenic fetal lung lesions

Echogenic fetal lung lesions on antenatal ultrasound can be detected in a number of situations. They include: Airway obstructions: lung are often enlarged and echogenic bilaterally congenital high airways obstruction syndrome (CHAOS) tracheal atresia congenital tracheal stenosis laryngeal a...

Club foot - antenatal ultrasound

  Diagnosis certain
Ayush Goel
Published 17 May 2016
72% complete


Myelomeningocele, also known as spina bifida cystica, is a complex congenital spinal anomaly that results in spinal cord malformation (myelodysplasia).  Epidemiology It is one of the most common congenital CNS anomalies and is thought to occur in approximately 1:500 of live births 5. There may...

Transient abnormal myelopoiesis

Transient abnormal myelopoiesis (TAM) is a phenomenon that can happen in the fetuses or neonates with trisomy 21. The condition can mimic leukaemia. Epidemiology The estimated incidence is at ~10% of newborns with trisomy 21 3. Radiographic features Antenatal ultrasound In the context of kn...

Ampullary ectopic pregnancy

Ampullary ectopic pregnancy is the commonest type of tubal ectopic pregnancy and accounts for ~70% of such cases.  According to one study, the disruption of the tubal wall was less than as in isthmic ectopic pregnancy 2.

Isthmic ectopic pregnancy

An isthmic ectopic pregnancy is a subtype of tubal ectopic pregnancy an accounts for ~12% of such cases. According to one study, the rate of tubal wall disruption was higher than with an ampullary ectopic pregnancy, suggesting that in an isthmic ectopic pregnancy, the trophoblast penetrates the ...


Hydranencephaly is a rare encephalopathy that occurs in-utero. It is characterised by destruction of the cerebral hemispheres which are transformed into a membranous sac containing cerebrospinal fluid and the remnants of cortex and white matter 1. Porencephaly is considered a less severe degree...

Fetal ventriculomegaly (differential)

Fetal ventriculomegaly (ventricle width >10 mm) is an important finding in itself and it is also associated with other central nervous system abnormalities. For more information, see the main article fetal ventriculomegaly. Differential diagnosis Fetal ventriculomegaly can be thought of in ter...

Right sided aortic arch - fetal ultrasound

  Diagnosis almost certain
Bahman Rasuli
Published 06 Nov 2022
79% complete

Pregnancy in subseptate uterus

  Diagnosis probable
Praveen Jha
Published 27 Dec 2011
50% complete

Failed early pregnancy

  Diagnosis certain
David Ndegwa
Published 08 Nov 2023
94% complete

Corpus luteum

The corpus luteum (plural: corpora lutea) is a temporary endocrine structure involved in ovulation and early pregnancy. During ovulation, the primary follicle forms the secondary follicle and subsequently the mature vesicular follicle. At ovulation the follicle ruptures expelling the ovum into...

Dandy walker malformation with corpus callosum dysgenesis

  Diagnosis certain
Ghada Sheta
Published 15 Jun 2020
95% complete

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome

Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) is a complication of controlled ovarian stimulation, which is an assisted reproduction technique used for in vitro fertilisation (IVF). Rarely, it may also occur spontaneously in pregnancy (see below). It consists of ovarian enlargement with an extravascu...

Amniotic bands

Amniotic bands refer to free-floating blind-ending amnion with an intact chorionic membrane. In certain situations, they lead to amniotic band syndrome. They should not be confused with amniotic shelves which refer to the presence of amnion folding around pre-existing uterine adhesions. Some adv...


  Diagnosis probable
Manisha Langar
Published 24 Feb 2015
69% complete

Pre-axial polydactyly

  Diagnosis almost certain
Maulik S Patel
Published 15 Oct 2015
66% complete

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