Search results for “abdomen”

Did you mean abdomen-pelvis or abdomens?
2,038 results

Ligamentum teres hepatis (abdomen)

The ligamentum teres hepatis or round ligament is the fibrous cord formed by the obliterated fetal umbilical vein that runs in the free edge of the falciform ligament from the umbilicus into the left lobe of the liver.  

CT abdomen-pelvis (protocol)

The CT abdomen-pelvis protocol serves as an outline for an examination of the whole abdomen including the pelvis. It is one of the most common CT protocols for any clinical questions related to the abdomen and/or in routine and emergencies. It forms also an integral part of trauma and oncologic ...

Paediatric abdomen (PA erect view)

The PA erect abdominal radiograph is the standard view for assessing air-fluid levels and free air in the paediatric abdomen. This view may be taken alongside the AP supine and lateral decubitus views. As radiation protection is an essential consideration in paediatrics, some departmental protoc...

Paediatric abdomen (lateral decubitus view)

The lateral decubitus radiograph is an additional projection for assessing the paediatric abdomen. This view is ideal for displaying free gas in the abdomen and/or if the patient is unable to lie supine 1. As radiation dose is an important consideration for paediatric imaging, the lateral decubi...

Paediatric abdomen (AP supine view)

The AP supine abdominal radiograph is a routine view when imaging the paediatric abdomen. This view may be taken alongside the PA erect and lateral decubitus views. As radiation protection is an essential consideration in paediatrics, some departmental protocols may only perform one view (either...

CT chest abdomen-pelvis (protocol)

The CT chest-abdomen-pelvis protocol serves as an outline for an examination of the trunk covering the chest,  abdomen and pelvis. It is one of the most common CT examinations conducted in routine and emergencies. It can be combined with a CT angiogram. Note: This article aims to frame a genera...

CT neck, chest, abdomen-pelvis (NCAP protocol)

The CT neck chest-abdomen-pelvis protocol aims to evaluate the neck, thoracic and abdominal structures using contrast in trauma imaging. The use of contrast facilitates the assessment of pathologies globally whilst minimising dose by potentially disregarding a non-contrast scan.  Note: This art...

Paediatric abdomen (prone cross-table lateral view)

The prone cross-table lateral view is an additional projection to demonstrate the paediatric abdomen and is a more ideal alternative to the invertogram, which may be less comfortable for the patient. This discomfort may result in a continuously crying baby, causing the puborectalis sling to cont...

Paediatric abdomen (supine cross-table lateral view)

The supine cross-table lateral view is an additional projection to demonstrate the paediatric abdomen. As radiation dose is an important consideration for paediatric imaging, the horizontal beam lateral view is not often performed; although this will vary based on the department. Indications T...

Gunshot injury to the abdomen

  Diagnosis certain
Heather Pascoe
Published 09 Feb 2018
98% complete

Normal CTA abdomen and pelvis

  Diagnosis certain
Tariq Walizai
Published 21 Feb 2024
95% complete

Normal CT abdomen and pelvis - female

  Diagnosis certain
Tariq Walizai
Published 21 Jul 2023
95% complete

Tuberculous lymphadenitis - abdomen

  Diagnosis almost certain
Bruno Di Muzio
Published 18 Apr 2020
80% complete
Ultrasound CT

Chest and abdomen multi-trauma

  Diagnosis certain
RMH Core Conditions
Published 11 Dec 2013
92% complete

COVID-19 pneumonia (CT abdomen)

  Diagnosis certain
Ali Mashalla Åhre
Published 26 Mar 2020
89% complete

Sarcoidosis in the abdomen and pelvis

  Diagnosis almost certain
Michael P Hartung
Published 16 Apr 2019
74% complete

Metallic foreign body in abdomen

  Diagnosis certain
David Cuete
Published 25 Apr 2014
79% complete

Knife penetrating abdomen indenting the IVC

  Diagnosis certain
Craig Hacking
Published 08 Oct 2023
85% complete

Normal MRI abdomen in pregnancy

  Diagnosis almost certain
Vikas Shah
Published 23 Mar 2021
77% complete

Complicated cholecystitis with gallbladder perforation and diffuse acute abdomen

  Diagnosis certain
Bruno Di Muzio
Published 15 Jul 2014
90% complete
Annotated image CT

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