5,502 results

Question 1976

What is the most common cause of temporal lobe epilepsy?


Question 1980

Which of the following is the most common type of acute mesenteric ischaemia?


Question 2078

A 35-year-old man presents with complaints of diarrhoea and bleeding per rectum. A single spot double-contrast barium enema image is presented. What is the most likely diagnosis?


Question 2099

A premature male neonate (born at 33 weeks gestation) underwent CXR which confirmed the presence of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) and a left-sided pneumothorax. Subsequently, as a part of the treatment, multiple tubes/lines were placed. Which of the following tube/line is malpositioned on the shown chest x-ray?


Question 2629

Which imaging feature is most suggestive of a carotid space mass?


Question 2756

During ultrasound of the neck, the relationship of which two structures is a useful surrogate for the margin between level III and level IV?


Question 2630

Which imaging feature is most suggestive of a carotid space mass?


Question 1721

An infarct in this location would be expected to lead to which of the following clinical syndrome?


Question 2638

Name the contents and direction of flow within the arrowed structure.


Question 2675

Which autoimmune disorder is least likely to cause interstitial lung disease?


Question 2368

A 70-year old female presents for a CXR following treatment for an aneurysm. The three lines in this image are...


Question 2764

Which of the following points is considered as the most common risk factor for ovarian vein thrombosis ?


Question 3064

A patient undergoes a F18-FDG PET-CT study for suspected large vessel vasculitis. The imaging shows periarticular increased uptake at the shoulder, hip and sternoclavicular joints, as well as abnormal uptake between the spinous processes of the lumbar spine. What associated condition does the patient have?


Question 1779

What vascular territory is involved in this acute infarct?


Question 2366

A 50-year-old female presents for a CXR to assess the placement of a recently inserted line before aphaeresis. What is the name of the recently inserted line and which statement is correct about the line in this image?


Question 1793

The appearance of the internal carotid arteries on the accompanying curved reformats from a CT angiogram in a 35-year-old woman are most likely due to... 


Question 1791

A 65-year-old man day 7 after cardiac surgery presents with sudden collapse and facial weakness. He has INR 3.0. 

What is the most likely cause of his haemorrhage? 


Question 1783

This elderly man develops weakness 6-hours after carotid endarterectomy. A non-contrast CT is obtained (shown below). 

What is the most likely diagnosis?


Question 1730

This pattern of infarction most likely represent thromboembolism to which artery?


Question 1729

What single vessel occlusion can lead to an isolated infarction in this distribution?

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