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705 results

Superior semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome

Superior semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome (SCDS) is an inner ear abnormality, where a clinical disequilibrium phenomenon is associated with the absence of the bony covering of the superior semicircular canal (SSCC). Notably, this CT finding has also been described in ~10% of individuals w...

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome results from compression of the median nerve (tunnel syndrome) within the carpal tunnel. It is a cause of significant disability and is one of three common median nerve entrapment syndromes, the other two being anterior interosseous nerve syndrome and pronator teres syndro...

Bing-Neel syndrome

Bing-Neel syndrome is an extremely rare neurological complication of Waldenström macroglobulinaemia where there is malignant lymphocyte infiltration into the central nervous system (CNS). Epidemiology The exact incidence is unknown, however, in one study of patients with Waldenström macroglobu...

Brown-Séquard syndrome

Brown-Séquard syndrome, also known as hemicord syndrome, is the result of damage to, or impairment of, the left or right side of the spinal cord. It is characterised by a characteristic pattern of motor and sensory deficits that are determined by the decussation pattern of various white matter t...

Crouzon syndrome

Crouzon syndrome, also known as craniofacial dysotosis, is rare disorder characterised by premature craniosynostoses.  Pathology Features include: abnormal calvarial shape: in severe case can give a "cloverleaf skull"  shallow orbits with exophthalmos mid facial hypoplasia bifid uvula Gen...

Little league shoulder

Little league shoulder is thought to occur due to overuse damage of the proximal humeral epiphysis/metaphysis, seen typically in young baseball players, especially pitchers. Epidemiology Although it is most commonly seen in baseball players particularly in pitchers, it also presents in adolesc...

Rosai-Dorfman disease

Rosai-Dorfman disease, also known as sinus histiocytosis with massive lymphadenopathy or Rosai-Dorfman-Destombes disease, is a rare benign idiopathic proliferative disease that involves phagocytic histiocytes. Epidemiology The disease predominantly occurs in young adults with a mean age at pre...

Acute coronary syndrome

Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is a group of cardiac diagnoses along a spectrum of severity due to the interruption of coronary blood flow to the myocardium, which in decreasing severity are: ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) unstable an...

Sotos syndrome

Sotos syndrome is an autosomal dominant syndrome considered as a form of cerebral gigantism, mainly characterised by prenatal and postnatal overgrowth. Epidemiology There is no ethnic group predominance and has been detected throughout the world. The prevalence is not known but is estimated to...

Turcot syndrome

Turcot syndrome is a polyposis syndrome. It is characterised by multiple colonic polyps and an increased risk of colon cancer and primary brain cancers. Epidemiology Turcot syndrome is a rare disease. Patients typically present in the second decade 3. Pathology Turcot syndrome is characteris...

McKusick Kaufman syndrome

McKusick Kaufman syndrome (MKS) is an autosomal recessive multiple malformation syndrome primarily characterised by hydrometrocolpos - vaginal atresia post-axial polydactyly congenital heart disease

COACH syndrome

The acronym COACH describes a syndrome associated with: C: cerebellar vermis defect (Joubert syndrome) O: oligophrenia A: ataxia C: coloboma H: hepatic fibrosis Epidemiology COACH syndrome is considered extremely rare. Associations The association with infantile polycystic kidney diseas...

Cockayne syndrome

Cockayne syndrome is a rare autosomal recessive dysmyelinating disease. Cockayne syndrome is classified among the childhood leukodystrophies, and brain imaging findings are cardinal features suggesting the diagnosis of Cockayne syndrome. Previously published Cockayne syndrome imaging studies hav...

Bouveret syndrome

Bouveret syndrome refers to a gastric outlet obstruction secondary to impaction of a gallstone in the pylorus or proximal duodenum. Thus, it can be considered a very proximal form of gallstone ileus.  Clinical presentation Bouveret syndrome occurs most commonly in elderly women. The presenting...

Morgagni-Stewart-Morel syndrome

Morgagni-Stewart-Morel syndrome​ consists of the triad of: hyperostosis frontalis interna obesity excessive hair growth (virilism/hirsutism) and is also associated with neuropsychiatric conditions. The cause is unclear.  History and etymology It was first described in 1765 by the Italian ...

Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia

Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia is a form of skeletal dysplasia mainly involving the spine and proximal epiphyses.  Clinical presentation short neck short trunk with protruding abdomen  normal IQ spine atlantoaxial instability craniovertebral junction stenosis platyspondyly scoliosis exag...

Excessive lateral pressure syndrome

Excessive lateral pressure syndrome or lateral patellar compression syndrome is the abnormal lateral tilt of the patella without lateral translation 1 and is considered one of the relatively common causes of anterior knee pain. Epidemiology Excessive lateral pressure syndrome can affect both a...

Ulnar styloid impaction syndrome

Ulnar styloid impaction syndrome refers to wrist pain due to a long ulnar styloid process impacting upon the triquetral bone. Pathology An ulnar styloid >6 mm in length is commonly regarded as being long. Impaction results in chondromalacia of the opposing articular surfaces, i.e. the proximal...

Gradenigo syndrome

Gradenigo syndrome consists of the triad of: suppurative otitis media with persistent otorrhoea and ear pain abducens nerve palsy, secondary to involvement of the nerve as it passes through Dorello canal retro-orbital pain, or pain in the cutaneous distribution of the frontal and maxillary di...

Rett syndrome

Rett syndrome is a rare neurodegenerative disease seen in young girls in the 2nd to 4th months of life. The majority of cases result from a mutation in the MECP2 gene; a more severe subset of the disease arises from a CDKL5 mutation 1. Clinical presentation Following a period of normal develop...

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