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535 results found

Singh index

The Singh index is a classification system for bone density of the femoral neck based on the visibility of the trabecular types that can be seen in the femoral neck. Trabecular types in proximal femur Five trabecular types can be present in the proximal part of the femur: principal compressio...

LR2 cirrhosis-associated nodule

LR2 cirrhosis-associated nodules are defined as "probably benign" according to the LI-RADS classification system. They are a common finding in a cirrhotic liver and do not need to be mentioned in the report.  Radiographic features The nodule must demonstrate all of the following: diameter <20...

Tumours of the meninges (differential)

Tumours of the meninges are a heterogeneous group of lesions which usually occur as extra-axial masses.  Although a large number of lesions that can involve meninges are scattered throughout the  WHO classification of CNS tumours, the main entities to be considered include:  meningioma and nume...

WHO classification of eye tumours

The World Health Organizatiοn (WHO) classification of eye tumours is a widely used pathologic classification system of neoplasms of the orbit. The current revision, part of the 4th edition of the WHO series, was published in 2018 and is reflected in the article below 1. Classification Tumours ...

Waldenström classification of Perthes disease

The Waldenström classification of Perthes disease refers to x-ray abnormalities and represents four temporal phases of the disease. These stages have been further subdivided in the modified Elizabethtown classification 2. stage I: early asymmetric femoral epiphyseal size (smaller on the affect...

Orbital blow-in fractures

Orbital blow-in fractures are characterised by an inferior displaced injury of the roof of the orbit, usually due to a sudden traumatic-induced increase in intracranial pressure. Clinical presentation Complications orbital blow-in fractures are associated with intraorbital injuries extraocul...

Modified Fisher scale

The modified Fisher scale is a method for radiological grading subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH) secondary to intracranial aneurysm rupture, assessed on the first non-contrast CT. It was modified from the original Fisher scale to account for patients with thick cisternal blood and concomitant intr...

Not otherwise specified (NOS)

Not otherwise specified (NOS) is a term used in a variety of classification systems to denote an entity that has been only incompletely characterised; enough for a general diagnosis but not to the point of a complete diagnosis.  The definition and use will vary between different classification ...

Diffuse axonal injury (grading)

Grading of diffuse axonal injury due to trauma is described according to the anatomic distribution of injury. Contrary to the implication of the word "diffuse," diffuse axonal injury has a topological predilection for focal involvement of certain sites in the brain. These sites, in turn, vary in...

Lugano classification (response to treatment on CT)

The Lugano classification is a lymphoma staging system resulting from recommended changes in 2011 to the Ann Arbor staging with Cotswolds modifications. This article outlines the classification's response to treatment based on CT.  Also included in the classification are staging and response to...

Judet and Letournel classification for acetabular fractures

The Judet and Letournel classification is the most widely used classification system for acetabular fractures. It classifies acetabular fractures into ten major fracture patterns, which consist of five simple patterns and five complex patterns 1,2. Classification The morphology of fracture pa...

NeuroImaging Radiological Interpretation System (NIRIS) for acute traumatic brain injury

The NeuroImaging Radiological Interpretation System (NIRIS) is a scheme for structured contextual reporting of CT head examinations of suspected head injuries. The NIRIS was proposed 1 in 2018 by a multi-institute group of neuroradiologists based at Stanford University. Its unique objective is ...

Lymph node levels of the neck

The lymph nodes in the neck have historically been divided into at least six anatomic neck lymph node levels for the purpose of head and neck cancer staging and therapy planning. Differing definitions exist across specialties 1-4. The following is a synthesis of radiologically useful boundaries ...

Normal bone marrow signal of the clivus

Bone marrow signal of the clivus changes predictably with age and is well assessed with midline T1 non-fat-saturated, non-contrast images. As is seen in the rest of the body the proportion of yellow (fatty) marrow increases with age. Knowledge of these changes allows the diagnosis of the abnorma...

Classification of endoleaks

Endoleaks occur when an aneurysmal sac continues to be pressurised despite endoluminal stent placement. See the full article on endoleaks here. Classification There are five types: type I: leak at graft ends (inadequate seal) - most common after repair of thoracic aortic aneurysms 4 Ia: prox...

Graf method for ultrasound classification of developmental dysplasia of the hip

The Graf method for ultrasound classification system for developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) in infants describes both alpha and beta angles. As a general rule, the alpha angle determines the type, and the beta angle determines the subtype. The angle is formed by the acetabular roof to the...

Nottingham classification

The Nottingham classification is used at the end of work up of a breast lesion to help guide management. A = malignant lesion needs surgical excision regardless of biopsy result B = indeterminate will accept a benign biopsy result, but only if it is congruent with imaging, i.e. a well circum...


Cardiomyopathy is defined as a "disease of the myocardium with associated cardiac dysfunction" 1. It has been classified according to several systems: 1995 WHO/ISFC cardiomyopathy classification system Elliott et al. classification system: published by the European Society of Cardiology Workin...

Gustilo Anderson classification

The Gustilo Anderson classification, also known as the Gustilo classification, is the most widely accepted classification system of open (or compound) fractures. The grading system is used to guide management of compound fractures, with higher grade injuries associated with higher risk of compl...

Oesophageal atresia (classification)

Oesophageal atresia is closely related to tracheo-oesophageal fistula and can be divided into1: type A: isolated oesophageal atresia (8%) type B: proximal fistula with distal atresia (1%) type C: proximal atresia with distal fistula (85%) type D: double fistula with intervening atresia (1%) ...

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