
Multiple choice questions are not just simple ways to check factual knowledge. They can also include images or can be used to integrate understanding across multiple areas. Questions are automatically included at the bottom of related articles as revision but can also be accessed directly from this page. Find out more about MCQs.

2,995 results

Question 982

Which of the following is NOT part of the Shone syndrome (or Shone complex)?


Question 983

Which of the following CT window width (W) and level (L) settings would be appropriate for routine non-contrast CT of the brain to easily distinguish grey and white matter?


Question 984

Which of the following CT window settings would be considered most narrow? 


Question 985

Why can thin acute intracranial subdural haemorrhages be difficult to identify on routine non-contrast CT of the brain?


Question 986

Which of the following best described the term "helical scanning" as it pertains to CT?


Question 987

Looking at a bone algorithm axial image of the skull/brain using brain window (width 80, level 40) will result in the image appearing... 


Question 988

What would be a good slice thickness to look for skull base fractures on bone algorithm CT?


Question 989

Which of the accompanying images represents a CT of the posterior fossa reconstructed using a bony algorithm and displayed with routine brain window (W: 80, L: 40)?


Question 990

Which of the accompanying images would be best to assess for the presence of an undisplaced base of skull fracture?


Question 991

Which of the following is the most common manifestation of radiation-induced heart disease?


Question 992

When writing bulleted or numbered lists for Radiopaedia articles, which of the following styles is correct? 


Question 993

Which of the following section headings comes immediately after the introductory paragraph in a typical Radiopaedia article?


Question 994

Radiopaedia articles have numerous sections and consistent style is critical. What text style should the heading of the "MRI" section have?


Question 995

Which of the following is NOT an appropriate use of BOLD according to the Radiopaedia style guide?


Question 996

Which of the following has the correct syntax for the caption of an image added to a Radiopaedia article?


Question 997

When contributing to a Radiopaedia article, copy-paste from another source is acceptable in which of the following circumstances?


Question 998

What do you think is the most likely diagnosis?


Question 999

Which of the following is true in regards to developmental venous anomalies (DVA)?


Question 1000

Which Greek mythological character is associated with the morphological appearance of a developmental venous anomaly (DVA) of the brain? 


Question 1001

Which additional lesion is most commonly associated with a developmental venous anomaly (DVA) of the brain?

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