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324 results

Tolosa-Hunt syndrome

  Diagnosis almost certain
Dalia Ibrahim
Published 13 Oct 2014
71% complete
Annotated image MRI

ACL mucoid degeneration and tibial nerve schwannoma

  Diagnosis almost certain
Dai Roberts
Published 02 Feb 2021
77% complete

Cervical lung hernia

Cervical lung hernias (alternative plural: herniae), also known as apical lung hernias, are a subtype of lung hernias in which lung protrudes through the apex of the thoracic cavity. Epidemiology Lung herniation of any form is rare. Cervical lung hernia is thought to represent only ~20% lung h...

Ileal atresia

  Diagnosis certain
Ryan Thibodeau
Published 01 Mar 2023
94% complete
X-ray Fluoroscopy

Anatomical variants

Anatomical variants represent the deviations from the accepted standard human anatomy as printed in the classic textbooks (e.g. Gray's Anatomy 1), and taught in universities, dissecting rooms and clinical practice. Terminology The term "normal anatomical variants" or just "normal variants" is ...

Slow colonic transit

  Diagnosis almost certain
Vikas Shah
Published 20 Mar 2020
75% complete


Osteomyelitis (plural: osteomyelitides) refers to infection, typically bacterial, of bone involving the medullary cavity 21. This article is focused on acute bacterial osteomyelitis. Other types of osteomyelitis are discussed separately: chronic osteomyelitis fungal osteomyelitis skeletal sy...

Disseminated visceral fungal abscesses

  Diagnosis certain
Mohammed A. S. Barakat
Published 10 May 2024
92% complete
CT Ultrasound

Niacin (vitamin B3) excess

In general taking large doses of water-soluble vitamins has not been found to have a deleterious clinical effect. However niacin (vitamin B3) excess can be problematic, usually when greater than 100 mg niacin is taken per day. To put this in context the recommended daily allowance (RDA) in the U...

T1 hyperintense posterior fossa cystic lesion

  Diagnosis probable
Marianne Kuehnast
Published 13 Feb 2017
73% complete

Complete fracture of the radius and incomplete fracture of ulna

  Diagnosis certain
Thuan Tzen, Koh
Published 26 Apr 2015
85% complete

Meckel diverticulum

Meckel diverticulum is a congenital intestinal diverticulum due to fibrous degeneration of the umbilical end of the omphalomesenteric (vitelline) duct that occurs around the distal ileum. It is considered the most common structural congenital anomaly of the gastrointestinal tract. Epidemiology ...

Aggressive multiple sclerosis

  Diagnosis certain
RMH Neuropathology
Published 13 Aug 2013
89% complete
MRI Pathology

Pott puffy tumour

  Diagnosis certain
Adan Radiology Department
Published 01 Nov 2022
95% complete

Gastric perforation with pneumoperitonum

  Diagnosis certain
Oscar Gutierrez
Published 18 Jun 2024
87% complete
X-ray CT

Ramsay Hunt syndrome

Ramsay Hunt syndrome, also known as herpes zoster oticus or Ramsay Hunt syndrome type 2, is shingles of the facial nerve. It is due to reactivation of the varicella zoster virus (VZV) in the geniculate ganglion. Clinical presentation Ramsay Hunt syndrome classically presents with a triad of 3,...

Renal agenesis

Renal agenesis refers to a congenital absence of one or both kidneys. If bilateral (traditionally known as the classic Potter syndrome) the condition is fatal, whereas if unilateral, patients can have a normal life expectancy.  Epidemiology Unilateral renal agenesis affects approximately 1 in ...


Pneumocephalus (plural: pneumocephali), also known as pneumocranium, pneumocrania, pneumatocephalus, and intracranial pneumatocele, refers to the presence of intracranial gas, and in the vast majority of cases, the gas is air. The term encompasses gas in any of the intracranial compartments and ...

NG Playlist 3

4 cases, 4 slides

A playlist of chest radiographs taken to confirm nasogastric tube placement.With each case ask yourself if this tube is safe to use for f...



The term pathognomonic in radiology, as well as clinical medicine in general, refers to a finding or a sign that is only found in a single specific condition or specific group of conditions, i.e. the finding has 100% specificity. Thus by implication, a pathognomonic finding cannot and does not h...

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