908 results

Large bowel lymphoma

Large bowel (colorectal) lymphoma is a very rare tumour, accounting for <0.5% of primary colorectal malignancies, ~1.5% of all lymphomas, and ~15% of gastrointestinal lymphomas. Large bowel lymphoma differs from gastric and small bowel lymphoma in clinical presentation, management, and prognosis...

Lugano classification (response to treatment on CT)

The Lugano classification is a lymphoma staging system resulting from recommended changes in 2011 to the Ann Arbor staging with Cotswolds modifications. This article outlines the classification's response to treatment based on CT.  Also included in the classification are staging and response to...

Thrombocytopenia causes (mnemonic)

A mnemonic to remember the commonest causes of thrombocytopenia is: PLATELETS Mnemonic P: platelet disorders (DIC, TTP, ITP) L: leukaemia  A: anaemia T: trauma E: enlarged spleen L: liver disease E: ethanol T: toxicity (heparin, aspirin, chemotherapy, benzene) S: sepsis

Felty syndrome components (mnemonic)

Felty syndrome is a rare condition that involves rheumatoid arthritis, decreased white blood cell count and spleen enlargement. A mnemonic to remember the basic components of Felty syndrome is: SANTA Mnemonic S: splenomegaly  A: anaemia N: neutropenia T: thrombocytopenia A: arthritis (rh...


Haemochromatosis is an iron overload disorder characterised by a progressive increase in total body iron stores and deposition of iron in some non-reticuloendothelial system (RES) body organs which results in some instances of organ dysfunction. This article focuses on the general principles of...

Lymphoma of the spinal cord

Lymphoma of the spinal cord is an uncommon manifestation of lymphoma. Although lymphoma more commonly involves the vertebral body (vertebral body tumours) or epidural compartment, intramedullary lymphoma may rarely occur.   Apparent intramedullary spinal cord lymphoma may often, in fact, repres...

Splenic siderotic nodules

  Diagnosis almost certain
Subash Thapa
Published 09 Aug 2021
75% complete

Post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder

The Radswiki
Published 20 Oct 2010
42% complete

Pulmonary artery stump thrombosis

Pulmonary artery stump thrombosis describes thrombus formation occurring at the site of the pulmonary arterial stump, a complication following lobectomy or pneumonectomy. It is usually discovered as an incidental finding on routine follow-up chest CT scans. Epidemiology The prevalence of pulmo...

Tumours associated with increased erythropoetin

Tumours associated with increased erythropoetin are varied and numerous. Patients will be polycythaemic due to erythropoetin secretion. Tumours in this group include: renal cell carcinoma (RCC) 2 hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) haemangioblastoma


Anaemia is the presence of reduced haemoglobin in the blood. Formally, the World Health Organizatiοn (WHO) defines anaemia by the haemoglobin concentration in the blood according to age and sex 1: adult men: <130 g/L adult women: <120 g/L Values for pregnant women and children are different. ...

Non-Hodgkin lymphoma arising from an intramammary lymph node

  Diagnosis certain
Giorgio M. Baratelli
Published 21 Jan 2016
88% complete
Ultrasound Mammography

Lymphoma of the uterine cervix

Lymphoma of the uterine cervix is generally uncommon and when it does occur tends to present as cervical involvement with added background multi-organ disease rather than isolated primary cervical lymphoma 1. It is often considered part of the spectrum of uterine lymphoma. Epidemiology In the ...

Non-Hodgkin lymphoma

  Diagnosis almost certain
Elsayed Mohamed Elsayed Galbat
Published 24 May 2016
77% complete


Lymphoma (historically lymphosarcoma was used for diffuse forms of the disease) is a malignancy arising from lymphocytes or lymphoblasts. Lymphoma can be restricted to the lymphatic system or can arise as extranodal disease. This, along with variable aggressiveness results in a diverse imaging a...


Eosinophilia is defined as an abnormally high level of eosinophils in the blood, this is usually defined as >500 cells/μL (normal eosinophil level: <450 cells/μL). Hypereosinophilia is defined as >1500 cells/μL and is usually due to haematological malignancy 1,2. This article includes recommend...

Pernicious anaemia

Pernicious anaemia is the commonest cause of vitamin B12 deficiency (or hypocobalaminaemia) in the world and is due to an autoantibody against intrinsic factor, the cofactor required for absorption of this vitamin. Epidemiology Pernicious anaemia is the commonest cause of hypovitaminosis B12 g...

Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia

Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) is a haematological malignancy characterised by the proliferation of mostly mature but abnormal leucocytes.  Epidemiology Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia is considered the most common type of leukaemia in the Western hemisphere; its prevalence in Europe and No...

Polyglandular autoimmune syndromes

Polyglandular autoimmune syndromes (PAS) are a rare set of diseases characterised by the presence of ≥2 autoimmune endocrine disease. Pathology Three types of PAS have been described.  PAS type I a.k.a. APECED (autoimmune polyendocrinopathy, candidiasis and ectodermal dystrophy) or MEDAC (mu...

Haemochromatosis (cardiac manifestations)

Cardiac involvement in haemochromatosis typically occurs with primary haemochromatosis, as the organ is usually spared in the secondary form of the disease. For a general discussion, and for links to other system specific manifestations, please refer to the article on haemochromatosis.  Epidem...

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