Search results for “COPD”

758 results

Salla disease

Salla disease, also known as Finnish type sialuria, is a rare autosomal recessive disease that primarily affects the central nervous system. It is considered the mildest form of free sialic acid storage disorder. Clinical presentation Neurological symptoms related to this rare disease are usua...

Chlamydia pneumonia

Chlamydia pneumonia is a form of atypical pneumonia.  Pathology It is caused by the organism Chlamydophila pneumoniae (a species of Chlamydophila) which is an obligate intracellular bacterium that infects humans. Radiographic features CT chest Non-specific with overlap of features with pneu...

Reid index

Reid index is a pathological measurement of mucosal gland proliferation in chronic bronchitis. It is assessed by comparing the thickness of the mucous glandular tissue versus the distance from epithelium to the level of cartilage. An index of < 0.4 is considered to be within normal limits.

Chest x-ray review: ABCDE

Chest x-ray review is a key competency for medical students, junior doctors and other allied health professionals. Using A, B, C, D, E is a helpful and systematic method for chest x-ray review: A: airways B: breathing (the lungs and pleural spaces) C: circulation (cardiomediastinal contour) ...

Retrosternal airspace

The retrosternal airspace is seen as a normal lucency between the posterior aspect of the sternum and anterior aspect of the ascending aorta on lateral chest radiographs. This space normally measures less than 2.5 cm in width. Increased retrosternal airspace is a sign of pulmonary emphysema, whi...

Unilateral pulmonary oedema

Unilateral pulmonary oedema represents only 2% of cardiogenic pulmonary oedema with predilection for the right upper lobe and is strongly associated with severe mitral regurgitation 1,2. It is hypothesised that the regurgitation jet is directed towards the right superior pulmonary vein thus pref...

Excessive dynamic airway collapse

Excessive dynamic airway collapse (EDAC) refers to a dynamic form of central airway obstruction characterised by a decrease of ≥50% (some publications suggest >70% ref) in the cross-sectional area of the tracheobronchial lumen. Terminology Some authors consider an overlap with tracheomalacia, ...

Wilson Mikity syndrome

Wilson Mikity syndrome (WMS) refers to chronic lung disease in premature infants, characterised by early development of cystic interstitial emphysema (PIE). This is now sometimes considered as part of the spectrum of bronchopulmonary dysplasia. History and etymology Almost 51 years ago, Wilson...


Bronchospasm refers to a sudden constriction of the bronchial wall muscles. Pathology It is caused by the release (degranulation) of substances from mast cells or basophils under the influence of anaphylatoxins. It can be precipitated in many situations certain forms of pulmonary oedema  he...

Cheese workers' lung

Cheese workers' lung is a rare hypersensitivity pneumonitis due to the exposure of certain Penicillium species seen in people who work with mouldy cheese. Clinical presentation It can present as an acute pulmonary illness with fever and dyspnoea. Clinical features are consistent with other for...

Emphysema on chest x-ray

  Diagnosis certain
Henry Knipe
Published 08 Aug 2014
85% complete

Hyperinflation of the lungs

  Diagnosis certain
Ian Bickle
Published 08 Feb 2021
82% complete

Intrapancreatic gas

The presence of gas in the pancreatic gland and/or the pancreatic ducts is an uncommon finding. Pathology Aetiology Causes of gas in the pancreatic ducts altered function and/or anatomy of the sphincter of Oddi: causes duodenal-pancreatic duct reflux patulous pancreatic duct opening 2  pap...

Thumb (AP/PA view)

The thumb AP (anteroposterior) view is one of the standard views for assessment of the thumb. The PA (posteroanterior) view can be utilised when the patient is unable to achieve the position required for the AP view. They are one part of the three view thumb series. There will be some magnifica...

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug exacerbated respiratory disease

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) exacerbated respiratory disease refers to the clinical constellation of 1,2: hypersensitivity to aspirin (and other NSAIDs) nasal polyposis / rhinosinusitis asthma Terminology Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) exacerbated respiratory d...

Bilateral hypertranslucent hemithoraces

Bilateral hypertranslucent hemithoraces is the presence of decreased density of the hemithoraces bilaterally on a plain chest radiograph. This hypertranslucency, a.k.a. hyperlucency, may be focal or diffuse 1.  Also see unilateral hypertranslucent hemithorax.  Focal pulmonary bullae localise...

Innominate artery compression syndrome

Innominate artery compression syndrome, also known as brachiocephalic artery compression syndrome, is a rare cause of tracheal stenosis that occurs in the paediatric population. It is due to abnormal compression of the anterior aspect of the trachea as the brachiocephalic artery crosses it. Dia...

Chronic granulomatous disease (pulmonary manifestations)

Pulmonary manifestations of chronic granulomatous disease can be seen in approximately 80% of cases of chronic granulomatous disease, which is a disease characterised by multiple bacterial and fungal infections occurring as a result of a defect in the gene that encodes NADPH oxidase. The most c...

Centrilobular emphysema

  Diagnosis certain
Moamer Abdulghafoor Ibrahim
Published 09 Jun 2023
92% complete

Severe emphysema

  Diagnosis certain
Ian Bickle
Published 09 Aug 2022
92% complete
Nuclear medicine X-ray CT

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