Search results for “pneumonitis”

322 results

Respiratory bronchiolitis-interstitial lung disease

Respiratory bronchiolitis interstitial lung disease (RB-ILD) is a clinical diagnosis. The CT features are indistinguishable from respiratory bronchiolitis (RB) and should be reported as such. Epidemiology In almost all cases, respiratory bronchiolitis-interstitial lung disease is associated wi...

Meconium aspiration

Meconium aspiration occurs secondary to intrapartum or intrauterine aspiration of meconium, usually in the setting of fetal distress, often in term or post-term infants. Epidemiology Up to 10-15% of live births after 34 weeks can present with meconium stained fluid but only 1-5% of neonates de...

Halo sign (chest)

The halo sign in chest imaging is a feature seen on lung window settings, ground glass opacity surrounding a pulmonary nodule or mass and represents haemorrhage. It is typically seen in angioinvasive aspergillosis. Pathology Histopathologically, it represents a focus of pulmonary infarction su...

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a clinical syndrome and considered the most common and the most lethal form of pulmonary fibrosis corresponding to the histologic and imaging pattern of usual interstitial pneumonia. It is more common in elderly men and diagnosed by:  histological or imagi...

Systemic lupus erythematosus (thoracic manifestations)

Thoracic manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) can be variable.  Please refer to the main article on systemic lupus erythematosus for a general discussion and links to other system-specific manifestations.  Pathology Pleuropulmonary manifestations pleuritis: considered one of ...


Aspergillus (plural: Aspergilli) is a fungal genus consisting of approximately 250 species 1. It is a ubiquitous fungus frequently found in urban areas especially in decomposing organic matter or water-damaged walls and ceilings. Only a few Aspergillus species are associated with human disease 1...


Tularaemia is a rare and highly virulent febrile zoonotic bacterial infection caused by Francisella tularensis, which has been developed as a bioweapon by several countries. It can infect the skin and mucous membranes, lungs and intestine and cause systemic disease and death. Tularaemia is a not...


The term pneumonia is most commonly used to mean acute infection of the lung parenchyma. Sometimes chronic infections are included. Terminology the term consolidation is often erroneously misinterpreted as a synonym for pneumonia some interstitial lung diseases have been classified as interst...

Upper and lower lobe distribution of bilateral pulmonary pathologies (mnemonic)

The upper and lower lobe distribution of certain bilateral pulmonary pathologies can be recalled using the following mnemonics: upper lobe or apical predominance: CASSET HPP or SET CAP lower lobe or bibasilar predominance: BAD RASH Mnemonics CASSET HPP C: cystic fibrosis A: ankylosing spon...

Acute exogenous lipoid pneumonia

Acute exogenous lipoid pneumonia is an uncommon form of exogenous lipoid pneumonia and is typically caused by the aerosolisation and aspiration of a highly viscous hydrocarbon, such as vegetable oil, mineral oil or petroleum jelly 5. The more common pulmonary toxicity exerted by hydrocarbons is ...

Cheese workers' lung

Cheese workers' lung is a rare hypersensitivity pneumonitis due to the exposure of certain Penicillium species seen in people who work with mouldy cheese. Clinical presentation It can present as an acute pulmonary illness with fever and dyspnoea. Clinical features are consistent with other for...

Crazy paving

Crazy paving refers to the appearance of ground-glass opacities with superimposed interlobular septal thickening and intralobular septal thickening, seen on chest HRCT or standard CT chest. It is a non-specific finding that can be seen in a number of conditions.  Pathology Aetiology Common ca...

Medical abbreviations and acronyms (H)

This article contains a list of commonly used medical abbreviations and acronyms that start with the letter H and may be encountered in medicine and radiology (please keep both the main list and any sublists in alphabetic order). A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q...

Pulmonary aspiration diseases

Pulmonary aspiration diseases comprise a broad spectrum of conditions that can occur related to aspiration of various contents. These include: according to content  gastric acid aspiration: Mendelson syndrome aspiration of partially-digested food aspiration of water near-drowning pulmonary ...

Vaping-associated lung disease

Vaping-associated lung disease, or EVALI (e-cigarette or vaping product use-associated lung injury), consists of patterns of inhalational pulmonary injury induced by electronic cigarettes (also known as e-cigarettes, e-vaporisers, e-hookahs, vapes, vape pens). These products heat up a liquid con...

Atoll sign (lungs)

The atoll sign or reversed halo sign refers to focal ground-glass opacity with a peripheral ring of consolidation which may be complete or incomplete. The sign was originally described in organising pneumonia but can also occur in infections, infarction, granulomatous disease, inflammation and t...

Rapidly progressive interstitial lung disease

Rapidly progressive interstitial lung disease (RP-ILD) is a temporal descriptive term for forms of interstitial lung disease that can progress rapidly through time. A consensus on the temporal time frame, however, has not been published at this time. There is also no clear morphological descript...

Airway-centred interstitial fibrosis

Airway-centred interstitial fibrosis is a type of interstitial lung disease first proposed in 2004 2. It is still unclear (c.2015) whether it represents a variant of preexisting interstitial lung disease (such as hypersensitivity pneumonitis or organising pneumonia) or constitutes a separate ent...

Lymphangitic carcinomatosis

Lymphangitic carcinomatosis, or lymphangitis carcinomatosa, is the term given to tumour spread through the lymphatics of the lung and is most commonly seen secondary to adenocarcinoma. Epidemiology The demographics will reflect that of the underlying malignancy (see below). Clinical presentat...

HIV/AIDS (pulmonary and thoracic manifestations)

Pulmonary and thoracic manifestations of HIV/AIDS are a major contributor to morbidity and mortality related to the disease. The differential in an HIV patient with a chest complaint is broad. Infectious causes are the most common, however, neoplasms, lymphoma and interstitial pneumonia also pla...

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