Search results for “femur neck fracture”

13 results found

Delbet classification

The Delbet classification helps predict the risk of avascular necrosis of the femoral head in neck of femur fractures, as well as determine operative vs non-operative management 1.  Classification type I: trans-epiphyseal separation fracture through proximal femoral physis, representing Salte...

Subcapital fracture

Subcapital fracture is the most common type of intracapsular neck of femur fracture. The fracture line extends through the junction of the head and neck of femur. Classification Although many classifications are proposed Garden classification and Pauwel classification are generally followed fr...

Occult fracture

Occult fractures are those that are not visible on imaging, most commonly plain radiographs and sometimes CT, either due to lack of displacement or limitations of the imaging study. There may be clinical signs of a fracture without one actually being seen. MRI or nuclear medicine studies are som...

Fracture description (summary approach)

This is a basic article for medical students and other non-radiologists Fracture description allows an individual to accurately determine fracture type and communicate important information to colleagues without the use of the radiograph. Practicing fracture description is important and using a...

Proximal femoral fractures (summary)

This is a basic article for medical students and other non-radiologists Proximal femoral fractures are a heterogeneous group of fractures that occur in and around the hip. The commonest type of fracture in this region is the femoral neck fracture. They can occur anywhere between the joint surf...

Stress fracture

Stress fractures refer to fractures occurring in the bone due to a mismatch of bone strength and chronic mechanical stress placed upon the bone. Terminology A pathological fracture, although a type of insufficiency fracture, is a term in general reserved for fractures occurring at the site of ...

Gamma nail

The gamma nail or trochanteric nail is an osteosynthetic implant designed to treat proximal femoral fractures in the trochanter area with a closed intramedullary fixation method. The gamma nail consists of a funnel-shaped intramedullary nail with slight bending to reflect proximal femoral diaph...

Intramedullary nailing

Intramedullary nailing is an internal fixation technique originally mainly used for the surgical management of long bone diaphyseal fractures and now, also in metaphyseal and periarticular fractures. Indications Indications of intramedullary nailing are the following 1,2: extracapsular proxim...

Lower extremity fractures

There are a vast range of lower extremity fractures. Below are listed several of such fractures of the lower limb. Many have eponyms. Pelvis and femur pelvic fractures anterior inferior iliac spine avulsion injury Duverney fracture Malgaigne fracture proximal femoral fractures bisphosphon...

CT hip (protocol)

The CT hip protocol serves as an examination for the evaluation of the hip joint. It is often performed as a non-contrast study. However, it can be combined with a CT arthrogram for the evaluation of chondral and/or labral tears or a femoral neck version scan. Note: This article aims to frame a...

Trochanteric fracture

A trochanteric fracture is a fracture involving the greater and/or lesser trochanters of the femur. Classification Fractures in these regions can be classified as: intertrochanteric fracture pertrochanteric: intertrochanteric, involving both trochanters subtrochanteric fracture greater tro...

Proximal femoral fractures

Proximal femoral fractures are a subset of fractures that occur in the hip region. They tend to occur in older patients, and in those who have osteoporosis. In this group of patients, the fracture is usually the result of low-impact trauma although, in younger patients they are usually victims o...

Joint effusion

A joint effusion is defined as an increased amount of fluid within the synovial compartment of a joint. There is normally only a small amount of physiological intra-articular fluid. Abnormal fluid accumulation can result from inflammation, infection (i.e. pus) or trauma and might be exudate, tr...

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