
Multiple choice questions are not just simple ways to check factual knowledge. They can also include images or can be used to integrate understanding across multiple areas. Questions are automatically included at the bottom of related articles as revision but can also be accessed directly from this page. Find out more about MCQs.

2,990 results

Question 3074

What is the most accurate way to differentiate mucinous cystic neoplasm of the liver (MCN-L) from intraductal papillary neoplasm of the bile duct (IPNB)?


Question 3087

A patient with a history of lung reticulation and traction bronchiectasis on CT and crackles on auscultation presents for HRCT. What does the "three-density pattern" on imaging indicate in this setting?


Question 3099

What is a paradoxical middle turbinate?


Question 3101

Complications of hip replacements include all of these except:


Question 3102

Which hepatocyte-specific MRI contrast agent may provide useful information to help differentiate focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH) from adenoma?


Question 3103

Focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH) has been given what nickname?


Question 3098

What is one advantage of total body PET-CT compared to conventional PET-CT?


Question 3093

Which of the following does NOT increase risk of an adverse reaction to iodinated contrast media?


Question 3083

A 50-year-old woman, former smoker, undergoes chest CT for initial lung cancer screening. The report noted several pulmonary nodules that have a benign appearance. An incidental breast mass was present but not reported. Which of the following perceptual or cognitive biases most likely affected the radiologist's report?


Question 3084

A patient presents to urgent care clinic and thoracic spine radiographs were obtained. The provided indication was "trauma." The interpretation was "no acute fracture." The patient presented again several days later to the emergency department, at which time a nearly identical set of thoracic spine radiographs were obtained. The provided indication at this time was "pain, history of breast cancer, evaluate for metastasis." The interpretation was "absence of left T11 pedicle, most likely representing osteolytic metastasis", which was confirmed on subsequent CT.

What perceptual or cognitive bias most likely contributed to the diagnostic error at the first presentation?


Question 3088

A 40-year-old woman presented to another hospital with headache. A brain MRI was interpreted as a probable glioma of the left temporal lobe. The patient sought a second opinion at your hospital. A radiology trainee reviews the outside report and images and renders a preliminary interpretation that agrees with probable glioma. The supervising radiologist reviews the images and revises the final interpretation to a benign dilated perivascular space, which is the correct diagnosis. What perceptual or cognitive bias most likely affected the radiology trainee's report?


Question 3092

Which of the following muscles is NOT part of the pectoral region?


Question 3096

In which scenario is F-18 FDG PET-CT most commonly used in the staging of cancer?


Question 3097

Which scoring system is commonly used in FDG PET-CT for assessing treatment response in lymphoma?


Question 3104

Which riskier subtype of hepatic adenoma may mimic FNH on imaging?


Question 3105

What type of enhancement pattern is classic for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)?


Question 3107

Elevation in which laboratory marker is associated with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma?


Question 3108

A 40 year old woman presents with optic neuritis. Her MRI demonstrates bilateral optic nerve signal abnormality involving the optic chiasm and prechiasmatic segments. The orbits are otherwise normal. What is the most likely diagnosis?


Question 3114

What is the Joule-Thomson effect, and how is it utilized in cryoablation using argon gas?


Question 3110

Which of the following is a syndrome associated with MOG antibody-related disease?

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