3,046 results found

Question 2562

All the following may be considered as risk factors for tubo-ovarian abscess EXCEPT...


Question 2811

The lesion demonstrated on this T1 fat sat MRI image most likely represents:


Question 2357

Which of the following statements about uterine leiomyomas is NOT true:


Question 545

In the setting of acute appendicitis, what approximate portion of patients can an appendicolith be seen on an abdominal radiograph?


Question 2359

Which of the following is NOT a type of degeneration of a uterine leiomyoma?


Question 68

A 32 year old female presented to the gynecology clinic with cyclic right pelvic pain. Ultrasonography revealed a complicated right ovarian cyst and the patient was referred for MRI. Which statement regarding pelvic MRI is true?


Question 24

Approximately what percentage of ectopic pregnancies have a normal beta-hCG doubling time?


Question 2931

In the accompanying image, the pubis bone is indicated by which letter?


Question 1486

A CT of the abdomen is acquired in someone who is pyrexial 3 days following a cholecystectomy. Which of the following features would make you more concerned about an abscess in the surgical bed rather than the presence of topical hemostatic material? 


Question 1565

What clinical history should raise the suspicion for actinomycosis infection? 


Question 22

What is the most common location for an ectopic pregnancy?


Question 1484

What is the most common type of mucinous ovarian neoplasm?


Question 2050

Regarding endometriosis, which of the following statements is FALSE?


Question 1562

What is the term for a right lower quadrant infectious collection arising from pelvic inflammatory disease, but in which the ovary is distinct?


Question 2061

Which of the following is the most common type of degeneration of a uterine leiomyoma?


Question 2175

A 25-year-old female presented for routine antenatal ultrasound. A single transverse ultrasound image is provided. Which of the following options regarding the provided image is correct?


Question 1860

All the following points may be the etiologies of an intrauterine death EXCEPT...


Question 1858

Which of the following fetal complications is NOT seen in post-date pregnancy?


Question 1859

Which of the following points is NOT considered as a maternal complication seen in post-date pregnancy?


Question 2039

A 55 year old female presents to ED with right upper quadrant pain, fever and jaundice. A CT with IV contrast is performed which demonstrates a heterogeneous appearance of the liver with abnormal dilatation of the intra- and extrahepatic ducts. The gallbladder is normal with no cholelithiasis or choledocholithiasis seen. What is the most likely diagnosis? 

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