Search results for “multiple sclerosis”

438 results found

Erdheim-Chester disease

  Diagnosis certain
Hazem M Almasarei
Published 16 Dec 2017
95% complete
MRI X-ray CT Nuclear medicine

Congenital peritoneal encapsulation

Congenital peritoneal encapsulation (CPE) is an extremely rare condition of abnormal embryonic gastrointestinal development. It is characterized by the congenital development of an accessory peritoneal layer partially or entirely encapsulating the small bowel. Epidemiology Congenital peritonea...

Osteoarthritis of the shoulder

Osteoarthritis of the shoulder or glenohumeral osteoarthritis is referred to as progressive damage of the glenohumeral cartilage associated with bony erosions pain and a loss in function of the glenohumeral joint. Epidemiology The glenohumeral joint is one of the less common joints affected by...

Classification system for malformations of cortical development

The classification system for malformations of cortical development organizes myriad conditions into one of three major underlying groups according to the main underlying mechanism: group I: abnormal cell proliferation or apoptosis group II: abnormal neuronal migration group III: abnormal cor...

Complications of sickle cell disease

  Diagnosis certain
Niharika Praveen
Published 25 Sep 2023
93% complete
CT X-ray Fluoroscopy

Tuberous sclerosis

  Diagnosis certain
Prashant Gupta
Published 03 Oct 2012
89% complete

Tuberous sclerosis

  Diagnosis almost certain
Narek Matinyan
Published 16 Jan 2017
79% complete

Tuberous sclerosis

  Diagnosis certain
RMH Neuropathology
Published 19 Sep 2013
92% complete
MRI CT Pathology


Mastocytosis is characterized by excessive accumulation of mast cells in one or more organs. According to the World Health Organizatiοn classification, three clinical entities fall under the mastocytosis umbrella: cutaneous mastocytosis, systemic mastocytosis (with or without cutaneous manifesta...

Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor

Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumors (DNET) are benign (WHO Grade 1) slow growing glioneuronal tumors arising from either cortical or deep grey matter. They are considered part of the heterogeneous group of tumors known as long-term epilepsy-associated tumors (LEATs). The vast majority of DN...

Valvular heart disease

Valvular heart diseases, or cardiac valvulopathies, describe any acquired or congenital disease affecting one or more of the four cardiac valves. This is a general index article that classifies cardiac valvulopathies depending on which valve(s) is affected 1. See individual articles for in-dept...

Renal osteodystrophy

Renal osteodystrophy, also known as uremic osteopathy, is a constellation of musculoskeletal abnormalities that occur in patients with chronic renal failure, due to concurrent and superimposed: osteomalacia (adults) or rickets (children) secondary hyperparathyroidism: abnormal calcium and phos...

Tuberous sclerosis

  Diagnosis almost certain
Thuấn Nguyễn Hoàng
Published 09 Apr 2017
77% complete

Idiopathic osteosclerosis of the mandible

Idiopathic osteosclerosis of the mandible is a common incidental finding on dental imaging. Terminology Idiopathic Osteosclerosis is also known as dense bone islands, enostoses, bone scar, bone whorl or focal periapical osteopetrosis 1,2,3. Idiopathic osteosclerosis is the preferred terminolo...


Pyknodysostosis, (alternatively spelled pycnodysostosis) also known as osteopetrosis acro-osteolytica or Toulouse-Lautrec syndrome, is a rare autosomal recessive bone dysplasia, characterized by osteosclerosis and short stature. Clinical presentation Patients present in early childhood with: ...

TDP-43 proteinopathy

The TDP-43 proteinopathies are a set of neurodegenerative disorders characterized pathologically by cytoplasmic inclusions composed of TDP-43. The pathology has been implicated in three major diseases: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (vast majority of cases) frontotemporal lobar degeneration (sl...

Kienböck disease

Kienböck disease is the eponymous name given to osteonecrosis involving the lunate. It is often referred to as lunatomalacia.  Epidemiology The age distribution for Kienböck disease depends on gender. The condition is most common within the dominant wrist of young adult men where it appears to...

Tuberculous dactylitis

Tuberculous dactylitis, also known as spina ventosa, is a rare skeletal manifestation of tuberculosis where the short tubular bones (i.e. phalanges, metacarpals, metatarsals) are affected. Epidemiology Tuberculous osteitis is one of the commonest bacterial osteitides. Typically the dactylitis ...


Osteonecrosis (plural: osteonecroses) is a generic term referring to the ischemic death of the constituents of bone. It has a wide variety of causes and can affect nearly any bone in the body. Most sites of involvement have an eponym associated with osteonecrosis of that area (see list below), a...

Sickle cell disease

  Diagnosis almost certain
Andrew Ho
Published 15 Aug 2014
75% complete

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