9,447 results

Aspergilloma on background pulmonary fibrosis

  Diagnosis probable
Henry Knipe
Published 16 Jun 2018
68% complete

Superior triangle sign (right lower lobe collapse)

The superior triangle sign is seen with complete right lower lobe (RLL) collapse alone or combined with right middle lobe collapse on PA chest x-rays. This sign can be a useful indirect sign of right lower lobe collapse where typical features are absent. Radiographic features Plain radiograph ...

Rheumatoid arthritis associated interstitial lung disease

Rheumatoid arthritis associated interstitial lung disease (RA-ILD) is one of the pulmonary manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis. Epidemiology There may be a greater male predilection with onset of lung disease typically occurring in the 5th to 6th decades of life 5. Radiographic features C...

Subcutaneous emphysema complicating a tooth extraction

  Diagnosis certain
Hani M. Al Salam
Published 25 Mar 2011
77% complete
X-ray CT

Ghon lesion

  Diagnosis almost certain
Mohammad Osama Hussein Yonso
Published 27 Jul 2022
79% complete

Bronchus intermedius carcinoid tumor

  Diagnosis certain
Dayu Gai
Published 21 Aug 2017
92% complete
X-ray Nuclear medicine CT

Kartagener syndrome

  Diagnosis almost certain
Hani M. Al Salam
Published 12 Oct 2021
59% complete
X-ray CT

Right sided aortic arch

  Diagnosis certain
Mohammad Taghi Niknejad
Published 30 Apr 2021
92% complete

Atoll sign (lungs)

The atoll sign or reversed halo sign refers to focal ground-glass opacity with a peripheral ring of consolidation which may be complete or incomplete. The sign was originally described in organizing pneumonia but can also occur in infections, infarction, granulomatous disease, inflammation and t...

Behçet disease

Behçet disease is a multisystemic and chronic inflammatory vasculitis of unknown etiology. Epidemiology The mean age at which Behçet disease occurs is 20-30 years. The disease is most prevalent in the Mediterranean, Middle East and East Asia. It is rarely reported in Europe. The highest incide...

Wearable cardiac defibrillator

  Diagnosis certain
Ria Gwalani
Published 22 Jun 2021
94% complete

Left lung aplasia

  Diagnosis certain
Henry Knipe
Published 21 Nov 2014
89% complete
CT Nuclear medicine X-ray

Large anterior diaphragmatic hernia

  Diagnosis almost certain
Aneta Kecler-Pietrzyk
Published 12 May 2017
80% complete
CT X-ray

Pseudoarticulation of ribs

  Diagnosis almost certain
Mostafa Elfeky
Published 19 Mar 2022
67% complete

Aortic coarctation

  Diagnosis certain
Frank Gaillard
Published 24 Oct 2011
91% complete
Annotated image X-ray

Left lower lobe collapse

  Diagnosis certain
Jeremy Jones
Published 13 Sep 2018
88% complete

Chronic interstitial pneumonitis

Chronic interstitial pneumonitis is a broad descriptive term where an interstitial pneumonia has a prolonged course. It can arise from a range of etiologies. The term does not usually imply a specific radiographic pattern and includes UIP, NSIP or other patterns. As a general rule, there is litt...

Lung cancer - groundglass opacity (GGO) progressing to mass over 7 years

  Diagnosis almost certain
Chris O'Donnell
Published 01 Sep 2015
80% complete
Nuclear medicine CT

Esophageal atresia

  Diagnosis almost certain
Ahmed Jabbar Ramadhan Al-Dawoodi
Published 31 Jan 2022
79% complete

Synchronous primary lung carcinoma

Synchronous primary lung carcinoma (SPLC) is a term given to the occurrence of two or more primary lung carcinomas within different portions of the lung in the same time period. They are thought to carry the same pathophysiological mechanism as metachronous lung carcinoma (i.e. two or more prim...

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