7,915 results found

Question 2025

All the following are considered as risk factors for optic neuritis EXCEPT...


Question 2086

Which of the following PET-CT tracers can be used to localize parathyroid adenomas in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism?


Question 2098

All of the following regarding point of care ultrasound (POCUS) to guide NG tube insertion are true EXCEPT...


Question 2130

This 60-year-old man suffered a penetrating neck injury. A contrast-enhanced CT is performed, with a skin and soft tissue defect through the left sternocleidomastoid, just superior to the level of the carotid bulb. The trauma surgeon wants to know the zone of injury. You can tell them this is a...


Question 1919

What is the most common location of the salivary glands pleomorphic adenoma?


Question 1638

A 60-year-old man with headaches. CT and MRI were performed. What is the most likely diagnosis?


Question 2667

A 55-year-old male presents to the emergency department after being struck by a tree. A CT scan shows a transverse fracture of the temporal bone. What two structures are most at risk of injury with such a fracture?


Question 2135

Which segment of the facial nerve is LEAST likely to enhance when normal on 3T MRI?


Question 2136

What nerve is the most common connection between the facial nerve (CN VII) and trigeminal nerve (CN V) in perineural spread involving the face?


Question 2131

This 50-year-old man was involved in a road traffic collision, with blunt force trauma to the neck. There is evidence of supraglottic trauma on endoscopy. Which laryngeal structure is damaged on this CT?


Question 2133

This 50-year-old man experienced neck pain, with left pupillary abnormality and swallowing difficulty. An MRI is performed a few days later, with the T1W fat saturated sequence confirming the left internal carotid artery dissection. What is the hyperintensity on the T1FS sequence?


Question 2665

What is the structure indicated by the arrow on this axial temporal bone CT image?


Question 2132

A patient with untreated HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infection in a developed country presents with altered mental status. Neuroimaging reveals multiple brain lesions associated with edema, contrast enhancement, and mass effect. What are the two most likely possibilities in the differential diagnosis?


Question 2124

A patient without prior medical history was involved in a motor vehicle collision and arrives obtunded. The patient undergoes noncontrast CT of the head and cervical spine. At the acquisition scanner, you identify scattered convexal subarachnoid hemorrhage and fractures of the right petrous temporal bone, characterized as otic-capsule sparing, coursing to the sigmoid plate, and not clearly involving the petrous carotid canal on that side. Based on this information, which of the following imaging tests is the most appropriate next step?


Question 2123

A CT report for facial trauma contains the following findings: "There is a mildly comminuted fracture involving the left frontal process of the maxilla and left nasal bone. Fracture lines in this region extend from the pyriform aperture across the medial maxillary buttress to the left inferior orbital rim, sparing the infraorbital canal. However, minimally displaced fractures involve the medial third of the orbital floor, internal orbital buttress, and the lamina papyracea. There is less than 0.5 mm outward herniation of extraconal fat into the ethmoid labyrinth. One of the fracture lines extends anteriorly to the frontomaxillary suture, liberating a minimally displaced fragment of bone containing the lacrimal fossa, which appears intact. The left lateral orbital wall is intact. There is a fracture of the medial wall of the maxillary sinus but not the lateral wall."

What classification best summarizes the most significant injuries?


Question 2137

Which is true regarding perineural tumor spread?


Question 2140

A 12-year-old boy presents with reduced visual acuity and during workup has an MRI. The right optic nerve is expanded all the way back to the chiasm which is also enlarged. Given the likely diagnosis, what is the most likely underlying condition?


Question 371

In the accompanying T1 axial image from an MRI of the neck, the trapezius muscle is indicated by which letter?  


Question 3054

Which of these salivary gland lesions characteristically has very high signal intensity on T2-weighted imaging?


Question 3057

Which of these paranasal sinus procedures is NO LONGER performed?

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