Search results for “abdomen”

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20 results

Question 367

On this transverse ultrasound image of the mid-abdomen, what structure is indicated by the red arrow?


Question 2065

This is an MRI study of the abdomen and pelvis in a pregnant woman. On this axial gradient echo sequence image, what are the paired right retroperitoneal structures?


Question 1623

A 45-year-old patient presents with abdominal pain and vomiting. A CT of the abdomen is performed. An arterial-phase image is shown. What is the most likely diagnosis?


Question 1669

In a child with suspected neuroblastoma, an ultasound confirms a right supra-renal mass. An MRI of the abdomen and pelvis is performed to further assess the tumor. What is the most important additional imaging that should be performed.


Question 1486

A CT of the abdomen is acquired in someone who is pyrexial 3 days following a cholecystectomy. Which of the following features would make you more concerned about an abscess in the surgical bed rather than the presence of topical hemostatic material? 


Question 2112

 A 5-year-old boy presented with abdominal distension and vomiting. Subsequently, he underwent an ultrasound abdomen. A single ultrasound image is provided. All of the following are gastrointestinal complications of this disease EXCEPT...


Question 2109

A 2-month-old neonate presents with abdominal distension and blood stained vomitus. His x-ray abdomen frontal view is presented. Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for this condition?


Question 2471

A 90-year-old man with a recent fall history undergoes CT of the abdomen and pelvis. The pancreatic duct is dilated at 15 mm and there is a fish mouth ampulla. What is the appropriate management?


Question 2080

A 10-year-old boy presents with a history of abdominal pain and constipation. A contrast-enhanced CT of the abdomen and pelvis was acquired. A single CT coronal image is provided. The boy is at risk of developing which of the following conditions?


Question 3065

A 13-year-old is brought into the ED after a fall from his bike while mountain biking. He was wearing a helmet which is now in pieces. He has redness in his upper abdomen and is tender. His blood pressure and heart rate are normal. There are no other injuries. What is the most appropriate imaging strategy?


Question 2106

A 5-month-old neonate was brought into the emergency department by his parents with complaints of vomiting, bloody stool, and periodical crying. An urgent ultrasound abdomen was performed. Transverse and longitudinal ultrasound images are provided. What is the most likely diagnosis?


Question 2470

A 50-year-old woman presents with upper abdominal pain and undergoes CT of the abdomen and pelvis. There is a cystic lesion in the pancreas with no septations or enhancement, and a visible connection to the normal caliber pancreatic duct. What is the most likely diagnosis?


Question 1661

A 70-year-old man presents with complaints of vague abdominal discomfort for 2 days. Subsequently, he underwent a CT of the abdomen with contrast, which showed small bowel ischemia. CT axial and coronal images are presented that show all of the following findings EXCEPT...


Question 1849

A 55-year-old female presented to the emergency department complaining of right iliac fossa pain. Subsequently, she underwent a CT scan abdomen which revealed acute appendicitis. A single CT scan image is provided.

Which of the following signs of acute appendicitis is shown on the provided image?


Question 753

An occupationally exposed person undergoing fluoroscopy of their abdomen has inadvertently left their personnel dosimeter on in such a way that it is at the point of entry of the primary beam. It would take how many minutes of screening time for the dosimeter to record his annual maximum permissible whole body dose?


Question 2079

An 85-year-old man presents with complaints of per rectal bleeding, diarrhea and abdominal pain. Subsequently, he underwent contrast-enhanced CT abdomen which showed findings consistent with ischemic colitis. Which of the following is NOT usually seen in ischemic colitis?


Question 787

A patient undergoes two AP radiographic examinations of the abdomen on the same high frequency X-ray unit. The settings are: (1) 85 kV, 350 mA and 0.2s; (2) 85 kV, 600 mA and 0.15s. The entrance skin dose of examination (2) relative to that of the first examination is about...


Question 1589

A 45-year-old woman began to experience severe back pain and had a long history of abdominal pain. Subsequent workup included a spine MRI, a CT, and a liver biopsy shortly afterwards. A contrast-enhanced CT image of her abdomen and a sagittal T1 image of her spine is provided below. What is the most likely diagnosis from the list below?


Question 1854

A 50-year-old male presented to the emergency department with complaints of absolute constipation and diffuse abdominal pain. He underwent x-ray abdomen in the ER which raised suspicion for sigmoid volvulus. Subsequently, a Gastrografin enema examination was performed - spot image shown.

Which of the following signs of sigmoid volvulus is shown on the provided image?


Question 548

The most sensitive sonographic signs of acute cholecystitis are...

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