Search results for “femur neck fracture”

55 results found

Atypical femoral fracture

Atypical femoral fractures, also known as bisphosphonate-related proximal femoral fractures, are an example of insufficiency fractures, although the direct causative link remains somewhat controversial 2. The atypical fracture pattern occurs in the femur shaft and may be unilateral or bilateral....

Cam morphology (femoroacetabular impingement)

Cam morphology refers to an abnormal morphology of the femoral head-neck junction interlinked with an osseous asphericity of the femoral head. It is one possible cause of femoroacetabular impingement (FAI). Terminology Cam morphology is also commonly referred to as 'cam deformity', 'cam lesion...


Chondrosarcomas are a heterogeneous group of malignant cartilaginous tumors most commonly found in older patients. They can arise de novo or secondary from an existing benign cartilaginous neoplasm. On imaging, these tumors have ring-and-arc chondroid matrix mineralization with aggressive featur...

Coxa vara

Coxa vara describes a hip deformity where the femoral neck-shaft angle is decreased, usually defined as <120°. Pathology It can be congenital or acquired. The common mechanism in congenital cases is a failure of the medial growth of the physeal plate 3.   Etiology The etiology of coxa vara w...

CT hip (protocol)

The CT hip protocol serves as an examination for the evaluation of the hip joint. It is often performed as a non-contrast study. However, it can be combined with a CT arthrogram for the evaluation of chondral and/or labral tears or a femoral neck version scan. Note: This article aims to frame a...

Delbet classification

The Delbet classification helps predict the risk of avascular necrosis of the femoral head in neck of femur fractures, as well as determine operative vs non-operative management 1.  Classification type I: trans-epiphyseal separation fracture through proximal femoral physis, representing Salte...

Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry

Dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA or DXA) is a technique used to aid in the diagnosis of osteopenia and osteoporosis.  Radiographic features Values are calculated for the lumbar vertebrae and femur preferentially, and if one of those sites is not suitable (e.g. artifact, patient mobility)...

Fatigue fracture

Fatigue fractures (also known as overuse fractures) are a type of stress fracture due to abnormal stresses on normal bone. They should not be confused with an insufficiency fracture, which occurs due to normal stresses on abnormal bone. Plain radiographs typically demonstrate a linear sclerotic ...

Femoral neck-shaft angle

The femoral neck-shaft angle (NSA) or caput-collum-diaphyseal (CCD) angle is one of the most frequently applied measurements to assess hip morphology, in particular, the relation of the femoral shaft to the femoral head-neck axis. Usage The femoral head-neck-shaft angle is used in the diagnosi...

Femoroacetabular joint

The femoroacetabular or hip joint is a large ball-and-socket synovial joint between the femoral head and the acetabulum. Summary articulation: ball and socket joint between the head of the femur and the acetabulum ligaments: ischiofemoral, iliofemoral, pubofemoral and transverse acetabular li...


The femur (plural: femora) is the longest, most voluminous and strongest bone in the human body. Gross anatomy It is composed of the upper extremity, body and lower extremity and provides several muscular origins and insertions. Proximal portion The upper extremity is composed of the head, n...

Femur (lateral view)

The lateral femur view is part of a standard series examining the femur in its entirety, including the hip and knee joint. Due to the limitations of the image detector, these projections are often performed in two images per view to ensure inclusion of both knee and hip joints. Indications Thi...

Femur series

The femur series is comprised of an anteroposterior (AP), and lateral radiograph. The series is utilized to asses for abnormalities pertaining to the shaft of the femur (often requested when fringe abnormality is seen on hip or knee radiographs). It is not an effective series to assess for a nec...

Femur series (pediatric)

The femur series for pediatrics is comprised of an anteroposterior (AP), and lateral radiograph. The series is utilized to assess for abnormalities pertaining to the shaft of the femur (often requested when fringe abnormality is seen on hip or knee radiographs). It is not an effective series to ...

Fibrous dysplasia

Fibrous dysplasia (FD) is a developmental benign medullary fibro-osseous process characterized by the failure to form mature lamellar bone and arrest as woven bone that can be multifocal. It can affect any bone and occur in a monostotic form involving only one bone or a polyostotic form involvin...


A fracture is a discontinuity in a bone (or cartilage) resulting from mechanical forces which exceed the bone's ability to withstand them. Terminology A fracture is often written as # in medical shorthand, i.e. the hash symbol, although it is still pronounced as fracture, e.g. "neck of femur f...

Fracture description (summary approach)

This is a basic article for medical students and other non-radiologists Fracture description allows an individual to accurately determine fracture type and communicate important information to colleagues without the use of the radiograph. Practicing fracture description is important and using a...

Gamma nail

The gamma nail or trochanteric nail is an osteosynthetic implant designed to treat proximal femoral fractures in the trochanter area with a closed intramedullary fixation method. The gamma nail consists of a funnel-shaped intramedullary nail with slight bending to reflect proximal femoral diaph...

Generalized lymphatic anomaly

Generalized lymphatic anomaly, previously known as lymphangiomatosis or cystic angiomatosis, is a systemic condition characterized by multifocal lymphatic malformations with systemic distribution. The distribution of lesions is variable; there can be cutaneous, thoracic and abdominal viscera and...

Hanging chin sign

The hanging chin sign, also known as the chin-on-chest sign, is a radiological sign appreciated on plain chest radiographs in a geriatric (≥65 years of age) patient population. The sign describes when, on a plain chest radiograph, the mandible projects over one or more ribs 1,2. This sign is cl...

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