
Multiple choice questions are not just simple ways to check factual knowledge. They can also include images or can be used to integrate understanding across multiple areas. Questions are automatically included at the bottom of related articles as revision but can also be accessed directly from this page. Find out more about MCQs.

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Question 3090

Which disease is characterized by the presence of cysts and renal tumors, and is associated with mutations in the FLCN gene?


Question 3091

Which cystic lung disease is often seen in association with Sjögren syndrome?


Question 3092

Which of the following muscles is NOT part of the pectoral region?


Question 3093

Which of the following does NOT increase risk of an adverse reaction to iodinated contrast media?


Question 3094

Which radiotracer is most commonly used in PET-CT for oncology and reflects glucose metabolism?


Question 3095

Which of the following is an advantage of PET-CT in the management of oncology patients?


Question 3096

In which scenario is F-18 FDG PET-CT most commonly used in the staging of cancer?


Question 3097

Which scoring system is commonly used in FDG PET-CT for assessing treatment response in lymphoma?


Question 3098

What is one advantage of total body PET-CT compared to conventional PET-CT?


Question 3099

What is a paradoxical middle turbinate?


Question 3100

A male in his 50s presents with breathlessness. A CT scan shows interlobular septal thickening and small pleural effusions whilst the left ventricle appears dilated. A cardiac MRI shows a reduced left ventricular ejection fraction and shows late gadolinium enhancement within the mid left ventricular wall within the basal septal and lateral segments. What is the most likely diagnosis from the following?


Question 3101

Complications of hip replacements include all of these except:


Question 3102

Which hepatocyte-specific MRI contrast agent may provide useful information to help differentiate focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH) from adenoma?


Question 3103

Focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH) has been given what nickname?


Question 3104

Which riskier subtype of hepatic adenoma may mimic FNH on imaging?


Question 3105

What type of enhancement pattern is classic for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC)?


Question 3106

What is a descriptive term for the pattern of enhancement and diffusion restriction in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma LR-M lesions?


Question 3107

Elevation in which laboratory marker is associated with intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma?


Question 3108

A 40 year old woman presents with optic neuritis. Her MRI demonstrates bilateral optic nerve signal abnormality involving the optic chiasm and prechiasmatic segments. The orbits are otherwise normal. What is the most likely diagnosis?


Question 3109

A 25 year old man presents with a proprioceptive deficit in his hands and feet, and an MRI demonstrates symmetrical abnormal T2 signal within the dorsal cord. Use of which of these agents is most likely to explain his presentation?

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