Search results for “liver segments”

209 results

Tracheobronchial tree

The tracheobronchial tree is the branching tree of airways beginning at the larynx and extending inferiorly and peripherally into the lungs as bronchioles. The luminal diameter decreases as the branching increases more peripherally into the lungs. The walls of the airway down to the level of the...

Polycystic liver disease

Polycystic liver disease (PCLD) is a hereditary condition that may arise either in patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) or in patients with a different genetic mutation that results solely in autosomal dominant polycystic liver disease. Epidemiology 75-90% of pati...

Question 184

A liver laceration involves segments 5, 6, 7 and 8. What American Association for Surgery in Trauma (AAST) grade is it? 


Hepatic pseudolesion near falciform ligament

Hepatic pseudolesions near the falciform ligament show abnormal attenuation without mass effect. They may be seen on contrast-enhanced CT scans as either a region of high or low attenuation relative to the rest of the liver. They are typically located in the medial segment of the left lobe of th...

Accessory hepatic sulci

Accessory hepatic grooves (also known as accessory hepatic fissures or accessory hepatic sulci) are a common anatomic variant, with majority of accessory grooves occurring over the diaphragmatic surface of the liver 1,2. Several hypotheses have been made regarding the process by which an access...

Left hepatic artery

The left hepatic artery (LHA) is formed when the proper hepatic artery (PHA) bifurcates. The hepatic arteries provide 25% of the blood supply and 50% of the oxygen supply to the liver. Gross anatomy The proper hepatic artery bifurcates into the left and right hepatic arteries at or before reac...

Inferior phrenic artery

The inferior phrenic arteries (IPAs) are paired branches of the abdominal aorta/celiac trunk supplying the diaphragm. Their importance lies with the fact that the right inferior phrenic artery is the most common extrahepatic arterial supply of a hepatocellular carcinoma.  Summary origin: abdom...


Pseudocirrhosis is a radiological term used to convey the imaging findings of cirrhosis but emphasizes that it occurs in the setting of hepatic metastases. It is most commonly reported following chemotherapeutic treatment of breast cancer metastases, although it has also been reported before tre...

Ciliated hepatic foregut cyst

Ciliated hepatic foregut cysts are a very rare type of hepatic cyst, with non-specific radiological features. They are usually benign, but rare cases of malignant degeneration (to squamous cell carcinoma) have also been reported.  Epidemiology They are more often seen in adults, although a few...

Right hepatic artery

The right hepatic artery (RHA) is formed when the proper hepatic artery (PHA) bifurcates. The hepatic arteries provide 25% of the blood supply and 50% of the oxygen supply to the liver. Gross anatomy The proper hepatic artery bifurcates into the right and left hepatic arteries at or before rea...

Hepatic segmental torsion

  Diagnosis certain
Eric F Greif
Published 30 Jun 2017
92% complete
CT Annotated image

Point-of-care ultrasound (curriculum)

The point-of-care ultrasound (PoCUS) curriculum is one of our curriculum articles and aims to be a collection of articles that represent the core applications of ultrasonography in a point-of-care setting. Point-of-care ultrasound refers to ultrasonography which may be simultaneously performed,...

Arterial occlusive small bowel mesenteric ischemia

  Diagnosis certain
Hoe Han Guan
Published 23 May 2023
95% complete
X-ray Annotated image CT

Autosomal dominant hepato-renal polycystic disease (ADHRPD)

  Diagnosis certain
Dennis Odhiambo Agolah
Published 26 Nov 2022
94% complete

Bile duct stricture

Bile duct strictures are problematic in terms of management and distinction between benign and malignant. Pathology Etiology There are numerous causes of biliary duct strictures, including 1,2: malignant cholangiocarcinoma involvement by pancreatic head adenocarcinoma involvement by ampul...

AAST liver injury scale

The AAST (American Association for the Surgery of Trauma) liver injury scale, revised in 2018, is the most widely used liver injury grading system 3. The 2018 update incorporates "vascular injury" (i.e. pseudoaneurysm, arteriovenous fistula) into the imaging criteria for visceral injury 3. Cla...

Hepatic pseudolesion secondary to superior vena cava stenosis

  Diagnosis almost certain
Hoe Han Guan
Published 09 May 2023
75% complete
CT Annotated image

Hepatocellular carcinoma

Mohammad A. ElBeialy
Published 26 Apr 2014
65% complete

Hepatocellular carcinoma in a patient with alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency

  Diagnosis certain
Bruno Di Muzio
Published 13 Mar 2018
87% complete
CT Annotated image

Mass-forming intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma

  Diagnosis certain
Bruno Di Muzio
Published 02 Nov 2019
89% complete
CT Ultrasound MRI

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