Search results for “fibromas”

345 results

Gardner fibroma

Gardner fibromas or Gardner associated fibromas are benign fibrous plaque-like soft tissue masses formed by a haphazard arrangement of collagen fibers usually associated with familial adenomatous polyposis. Terminology The term 'desmoid precursor lesion' is now discouraged 1. Epidemiology Ga...

Desmoplastic fibroma

Desmoplastic fibromas are extremely rare bone tumors that do not metastasize but may be locally aggressive. They are considered to be a bony counterpart of soft tissue desmoid tumors and are histologically identical.  Epidemiology Desmoplastic fibroma of bone is rare and mostly found in young ...

Ovarian fibroma

Ovarian fibromas are benign ovarian tumors of sex cord/stromal origin. Although fibromas account for ~4% of all ovarian neoplasms, they are the most common sex cord ovarian tumors. Epidemiology Fibromas occur at all ages but are most frequently seen in middle-aged women. Associations They ar...

Odontogenic fibroma

Odontogenic fibromas are benign mesenchymal odontogenic tumors with varying amounts of fibrous connective tissue. Epidemiology Odontogenic fibromas are rare tumors and are more common in women. Central odontogenic fibromas occur in a wide age range and peripheral odontomas have a peak between ...

Cardiac fibroma

Cardiac fibromas, also known as cardiac fibromatosis, are benign congenital cardiac tumors that usually manifest in children.  Epidemiology Cardiac fibromas are tumors that primarily affect children (most cases are detected in infants or in utero) with a ratio of 4:1 compared with adults 5. Th...

Ossifying fibroma

Ossifying fibromas are benign bone lesions that should be differentiated from non-ossifying fibromas and fibrous dysplasia. Osteofibrous dysplasia is considered as a separate pathological entity in view of its different presentation and treatment, although histopathologically similar to ossifyin...

Chondromyxoid fibroma

Chondromyxoid fibromas (CMF) are extremely rare, benign cartilaginous neoplasms that account for <1% of all bone tumors 1. CMF accounts for one of the 'C's in the popular mnemonic for lucent bone lesions FEGNOMASHIC. Epidemiology  As with all rare lesions, reported epidemiology varies: age: ...

Ameloblastic fibroma

Ameloblastic fibromas appear as unilocular lucent mandibular lesions, most frequently in the posterior mandible, and are usually associated with impacted teeth, centered on the unerupted crown. They, therefore, appear very similar to unilocular ameloblastomas. They are composed of enamel and emb...

Calcifying aponeurotic fibroma

Calcifying aponeurotic fibromas, also known as juvenile aponeurotic fibromas or just aponeurotic fibromas are superficial benign potentially recurrent fibroblastic soft tissue tumors usually seen in the palms and soles of children and adolescents 1,2. Epidemiology Calcifying aponeurotic fibro...

Nuchal type fibroma

Nuchal-type fibromas or nuchal fibromas are rare benign fibrous tumors arising from the connective tissues of the neck. Terminology The term 'collagenosis nuchae' is now discouraged 1. Epidemiology Nuchal-type fibromas are rare tumors and are mainly found in men in their 30s and 40s 1. Asso...

Tendon sheath fibroma

Tendon sheath fibromas are rare proliferative lesions with common imaging features of tenosynovial giant cell tumors. Epidemiology They are found in adults typically between the age of 20 and 50 with a 3:1 male predominance 2. Pathology Tendon sheath fibromas are lobulated, round-to-oval, en...

Non-ossifying fibroma

Non-ossifying fibromas (NOF) are benign and generally self-limiting osteoclastic giant cell-rich bone tumors typically found in the metaphyses of long bones. They are classified as osteoclastic giant cell-rich bone tumors 1,2. NOFs account for the 'N' in the popular mnemonic for lucent bone les...

Cemento-ossifying fibroma

Cemento-ossifying fibroma (COF) are rare, benign neoplasms that usually arise from the mandible or maxilla. They most often arise from the tooth bearing areas of these bones. Terminology In the 2005 WHO histological classification of odontogenic tumors, this tumor is referred to as "ossifying ...

Ovarian fibroma

  Diagnosis certain
Roberto Schubert
Published 03 Jul 2011
98% complete

Ovarian fibroma

  Diagnosis certain
Fadi Aidi
Published 12 Nov 2020
98% complete

Ovarian fibroma

  Diagnosis certain
Ahmed Abdrabou
Published 28 Jun 2015
95% complete

Plantar fibroma

  Diagnosis certain
Akos Jaray
Published 22 Jan 2020
94% complete

Ovarian fibroma

  Diagnosis certain
Hala Maher
Published 16 Jun 2021
94% complete
Pathology Ultrasound

Chondromyxoid fibroma

  Diagnosis certain
Naim Qaqish
Published 10 Sep 2020
92% complete
X-ray MRI

Pleural fibroma

  Diagnosis certain
Nafisa Shakir Batta
Published 23 Jul 2013
92% complete
X-ray CT

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