Items tagged “case3”

247 results found

Distal humerus physeal separation

Distal humerus physeal separation is seen in children under 3 years and is often associated with non-accidental injury 1. Clinical presentation The child will usually present with a reduced range of motion with swelling and ecchymosis around the joint 2. Pathology The injury can occur durin...

Pseudohypoxic brain swelling

Pseudohypoxic brain swelling, also known as postoperative intracranial hypotension-associated venous congestion, is a rare condition with restricted diffusion on MRI in the basal ganglia and thalami following surgery. This can mimic cerebral hypoxic changes in the absence of vascular pathology. ...

Middle clunal nerve

The middle clunal nerve is a sensory nerve that originates from S1-S4 1. It travels underneath the long posterior sacroiliac ligament (LPSL) and passes between the posterior superior iliac spine and posterior inferior iliac spine to course over the iliac crest 1. It supplies sensation to the lum...

Soleal sling syndrome

Soleal sling syndrome is a rare tibial nerve entrapment syndrome. More commonly the tibial nerve gets entrapped in the tarsal tunnel. In soleal sling syndrome, the nerve gets compressed under the tendinous arch at the origin of soleus muscle 1. Clinical presentation Can present with numbness i...

Femoro-epiphyseal acetabular roof (FEAR) index

The femoro-epiphyseal acetabular roof (FEAR) index is a radiographic measurement to help identify clinical hip microinstability in acetabular dysplasia. Usage The FEAR index should be used in conjunction with clinical and other radiographic features for the identification of clinically unstabl...

Humeral head bare area

The humeral head bare area is the posterosuperior surface of the humeral head that is not covered by cartilage, limited anteriorly by the cartilage and posteriorly by the insertion of the infraspinatus tendon. It lies between the articular cartilage of the humeral head and the synovial reflectio...

Posterior tibial slope

Posterior tibial slope (PTS) is the slope of the tibial plateau from anterior to posterior relative to the longitudinal axis of the tibia. Usage Posterior tibial slope can affect knee range of motion, flexion gap, knee joint stability, ACL ligament stability and posterior femoral rollback 1,2....

Leiomyoma of soft tissue

Soft tissue leiomyomas are benign smooth muscle neoplasms usually found in the somatic deep soft tissues, the retroperitoneum and the abdominal cavity 1. Epidemiology Leiomyomas of the deep somatic tissues are rare soft tissue neoplasms that have been primarily found in middle-aged adults with...

Von Laer classification of paediatric supracondylar humerus fractures

The Von Laer classification, also known as the Laer classification, is used to grade the severity and the need for further diagnostic evaluation and surgical correction of paediatric supracondylar humerus fractures, based on their clinical and radiological presentation. Classification Von Laer...

Augmented glenoid implants in shoulder artroplasthy

Augmented glenoid implants in shoulder arthroplasty are used for glenohumeral osteoarthritis with Walch type B2 and B3 glenoid morphology, which are characterised by humeral head posterior subluxation 1-3. Shoulder replacement with augmentation of the glenoid implant allows for: correct glenoi...

Congenital infiltrating lipomatosis of the face

Congenital infiltrating lipomatosis of the face is a very rare congenital, non-hereditary disease manifesting with prominent unilateral facial overgrowth and deformity. Clinical presentation Facial asymmetry is always noted at birth. Other findings on the affected side include: unilateral ske...

Stasis filling

Stasis filling describes persistent visualisation of intravenous contrast within the proximal cerebral arteries but not within the cortical branches or venous outflow in suspected brain death patients, mimicking true cerebral blood flow (CBF). Pathology Aetiology During brain death, raised in...

Eden-Hybinette procedure

The Eden-Hybinette procedure is the most common surgery for revision of a failed Latarjet procedure. When there are greater degrees of glenoid bone loss, the Latarjet procedure may not be sufficient to ensure adequate stability. This is an open or arthroscopic procedure that uses an iliac crest ...

Non-expandable lung

Non-expandable lung results from failure of the lung to re-expand even despite a therapeutic measure such as insertion of a chest tube. This can include two semantically similar but slightly different terms: trapped lung: non-expandable lung due to remote / prior pleural inflammation lung entr...


Glenoiditis or glenoid wear is the progressive erosion/wear of the native glenoid and is the most common complication of shoulder hemiarthroplasty. It may be caused by oversized humeral heads and insufficient joint release. Epidemiology Glenoiditis after shoulder hemiarthroplasty occurs in one...

Rocking-horse phenomenon

Rocking-horse phenomenon occurs in total shoulder arthroplasty when there is an abnormal glenoid version angle positioning that causes glenoid component failure. The glenoid component is stable when the load applied by the humeral head is centred, whereas anterior or posterior translation of t...

Overstuffing (shoulder arthroplasty)

Overstuffing of the total shoulder arthroplasty or shoulder hemiarthroplasty is secondary to an oversized humeral component or inaccurate positioning of the prosthetic humeral head, which can lead to subacromial impingement from malposition with attritional rotator cuff tears. Medial overstuffi...

Arias-Stella reaction

An Arias-Stella reaction is a common gynaecological histological finding in curettage specimens of gestational endometrium describing a non-neoplastic lesion that is easily confused with uterine malignancy 1,2. Pathology An Arias-Stella reaction is due to hormonal hyperstimulation causing atyp...

Autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants

Autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA syndrome) encompasses non-specific symptoms that occur following exposure to inert material (e.g. silicone, aluminium salts), which are thought to trigger an abnormal autoimmune response 1-3. Whether this is association or causation is ...

Canal-to-body ratio of Torg and Pavlov

The canal-to-body ratio of Torg and Pavlov is a method of evaluating the degree of cervical canal stenosis on lateral cervical spine radiographs. Terminology This ratio is variously referred to as the Torg ratio 3, the Pavlov ratio 3,4, the Torg-Pavlov ratio 5, or the canal-to-body ratio 3. M...

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