Items tagged “cases”

5,550 results

5th metacarpal pit

The 5th metacarpal pit refers to the normal exaggeration of the pit-like depression in the head of fifth metacarpal 1.  Differential diagnosis It should not be mistaken for a boxer fracture (old or new) or an erosion.

AIDS cholangiopathy

AIDS cholangiopathy refers to an acalculous, secondary opportunistic cholangitis that occurs in AIDS patients as a result of immunosuppression 1.  Pathology Characterized by multiple irregular strictures essentially indistinguishable from primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC). There are four pa...

Acromioclavicular joint configuration

There is much variation in acromioclavicular joint configuration, which may be confused with pathology. The relationship of the acromion to the distal clavicle at the AC joint can be described in the coronal plane as 1-3: horizontal: normal low-lying: associated with shoulder impingement (unfo...

Acute airspace opacification with lymphadenopathy (differential)

Acute airspace opacification with lymphadenopathy is a subset of the differential diagnosis for generalized airspace opacification and includes: post-obstructive causes (usually chronic, but 'new' changes can occur) primary lung cancer pulmonary metastases lymphoma/leukemia infection prim...

Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor

Adenomatoid odontogenic tumors are rare and differ from most other dentition related lesions in that they more frequently occur in the maxilla. Epidemiology They are also seen more frequently in females, most frequently in the second decade of life. Radiographic features They present as an e...

Agger nasi cells

Agger nasi air cells are the most anterior ethmoidal air cells lying anterolateral and inferior to the frontal recess and anterior and above the attachment of the middle turbinate. They are located within the lacrimal bone and therefore have as lateral relations the orbit, the lacrimal sac and t...

Aggressive angiomyxoma

Aggressive angiomyxomas are rare tumors that arise in the pelvis and typically cross the levator ani muscles. Despite its name, it is essentially a benign tumor and the term "aggressive" is due to a predilection for local recurrence. Only rarely does it metastasize. Epidemiology It is seen pre...

Ameloblastic fibroma

Ameloblastic fibromas appear as unilocular lucent mandibular lesions, most frequently in the posterior mandible, and are usually associated with impacted teeth, centered on the unerupted crown. They, therefore, appear very similar to unilocular ameloblastomas. They are composed of enamel and emb...


Angiosarcomas (like hemangiopericytomas and hemangioendotheliomas) are tumors that arise from vascular structures. They are typically difficult to distinguish from one another on imaging alone. Angiosarcomas, are the most aggressive of the three, frequently having metastases at the time of diag...

Musculoskeletal angiosarcoma

Musculoskeletal angiosarcomas, (along with hemangiopericytomas and hemangioendotheliomas) are tumors that arise from vascular structures. They are typically difficult to distinguish from one another on imaging alone. Angiosarcomas, are the most aggressive of the three, frequently having metasta...

Anterior hip pain

Causes of anterior hip pain include: osteoarthritis synovitis including synovial osteochondromatosis inflammatory arthropathy (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis) iliopsoas bursitis ganglion cyst synovial cyst muscle tear malignancy tenosynovial giant cell tumor inguinal adenopathy femoral ve...

Apple-peel intestinal atresia

Apple-peel intestinal atresia, also known as type IIIb or Christmas tree intestinal atresia, is a rare form of small bowel atresia in which the duodenum or proximal jejunum ends in a blind pouch and the distal small bowel wraps around its vascular supply in a spiral resembling an apple peel. Oft...


Arteriosclerosis is defined by thickening and loss of elasticity of the arterial walls. There are three patterns of arteriosclerosis: atherosclerosis: large and medium-sized arteries Mönckeberg medial calcific sclerosis: muscular arteries arteriolosclerosis: small arteries and arterioles At...

BOLD imaging

Blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) imaging is the standard technique used to generate images in functional MRI (fMRI) studies, and relies on regional differences in cerebral blood flow to delineate regional activity.  Blood flow in the brain is highly locally controlled in response to oxy...

Banana sign (cerebellum)

The banana sign is one of the many notable fruit inspired signs. This sign is seen on axial imaging through the posterior fossa of fetuses with associated conditions such as  Chiari II malformation and/or spina bifida. In Chiari II malformation, the banana sign describes the way the cerebellum...

Barton fracture

Barton fractures are fractures of the distal radius. It is also sometimes termed the dorsal type Barton fracture to distinguish it from the volar type or reverse Barton fracture. Barton fractures extend through the dorsal aspect to the articular surface but not to the volar aspect. Therefore, i...

Basal ganglia T2 hypointensity

Basal ganglia T2 hypointensities can be caused by any of the following and is commonly remembered using the mnemonic ChOMP. childhood hypoxia old age multiple sclerosis Parkinson disease: more in globus pallidus Parkinson-plus syndrome: more in putamen deoxyhemoglobin of hemorrhage hemosi...

Bennett lesion of the shoulder

Bennett lesions of the shoulder, also called thrower's exostosis refers to the mineralization of the posterior band of the inferior glenohumeral ligament.  Epidemiology The abnormality is more prevalent in overhead throwing athletes. Associations It is associated with posterior labral tears,...

Bilateral megalencephaly

Bilateral megalencephaly refers to megalencephaly affecting both cerebral hemispheres. Pathology Associations achondroplasia acromegaly Alexander disease Canavan disease mucopolysaccharidoses neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1) Proteus syndrome Tay-Sachs disease tuberous sclerosis (TS) va...

Brain tumors in infancy

Common brain tumors in infancy (i.e. under one year of age) are quite different from those of brain tumors in adulthood. Most are located in the supratentorial region (~65%) and they carry a poor prognosis. The frequency of these tumors varies according to studies, but the most common brain tum...

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