Items tagged “chondrosarcoma”

8 results found

Periosteal chondrosarcoma

Periosteal chondrosarcomas, previously also known as juxta-cortical chondrosarcomas, are cartilagineous or chondroid matrix-generating neoplasms originating in close association with the periosteum from the bony surface 1-3. Terminology The term ‘juxta-cortical chondrosarcoma’ is no longer rec...

Conventional chondrosarcoma

Conventional chondrosarcomas are locally aggressive and malignant cartilagineous or chondrogenic neoplasms and are the most common form of chondrosarcoma 1. Conventional chondrosarcomas can be primary or secondary and are traditionally categorised according to their location within the bone into...

Dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma

Dedifferentiated chondrosarcomas (DCS) are malignant high-grade chondrosarcomas with a poor prognosis. They have a bi-morphic histomorphology of conventional chondrosarcoma and a non-cartilaginous high-grade sarcoma. Epidemiology Dedifferentiated chondrosarcomas can develop in 10-15% of centra...

Primary breast chondrosarcoma

Primary breast chondrosarcoma is a rare type of sarcoma that originates from the mammary stroma and not from the underlying bone or cartilage of the chest wall. Epidemiology The prevalence of primary breast chondrosarcoma is reported to be 0.5-1%, they represent <5% of all sarcomas 1,14. Clin...

Central atypical cartilaginous tumour/ low-grade chondrosarcoma

Central atypical cartilaginous tumours/chondrosarcomas grade 1 (ACT/CS1) or low-grade central chondrosarcomas are locally aggressive chondral neoplasms that arise centrally within bone from the medullar cavity. They constitute the most common form of conventional chondrosarcoma. Terminology Th...

Central intermediate and high-grade chondrosarcoma

Central chondrosarcomas grade 2 and 3 (CS2/CS3) are malignant intermediate- and high-grade conventional chondrosarcomas that arise intramedullary 1-3. Epidemiology Similar to low-grade chondrosarcoma, the incidence of central intermediate and high-grade chondrosarcomas has also risen compared ...

Peripheral atypical cartilaginous tumour/ low-grade peripheral chondrosarcoma

Peripheral atypical cartilaginous tumours/chondrosarcomas grade 1 (ACT/CS1) or low-grade peripheral chondrosarcomas are locally aggressive chondral neoplasms that grow within the cartilaginous cap of pre-existing osteochondromas as a result of malignant transformation. Thus these peripheral chon...

Peripheral intermediate and high-grade chondrosarcoma

Peripheral chondrosarcomas grade 2 and 3 are malignant intermediate and high-grade chondrogenic neoplasms originating from the bony surface in the chondral cap of pre-existing osteochondromas as a result of malignant transformation, thus the name secondary peripheral chondrosarcoma 1,2. Secondar...

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