Items tagged “dental”

116 results

Ectopic eruption of a molar tooth

  Diagnosis certain
Heba Abdelmonem
Published 19 Nov 2017
89% complete

Bifid premolar root

A bifid premolar root is a normal variant where there are two roots involving a premolar tooth. It is thought to present in approximately 2.5 % of population 1. They are mostly located in the buccal and lingual directions.  See also teeth

Inferior alveolar nerve injury

Inferior alveolar nerve injuries are most commonly iatrogenic, predominantly post third mandibular molar extraction, although they can occur post dental implant. Mandibular fractures are the most frequent non-iatrogenic aetiology. This article is focussed on iatrogenic injuries.  Epidemiology ...


  Diagnosis certain
Henry Knipe
Published 22 Jan 2019
85% complete


Microdontia is where a tooth appears smaller than normal. It most commonly affects the maxillary lateral incisor and the third molars. 

Dental terminology

There are specific dental terminology to be aware of when describing teeth and dental disease on orthopantomogram or other imaging studies of the teeth or jaw 1. apical: the direction towards the apex of the root of a tooth mesial: the direction towards the anterior midline of the dental arch ...

Fédération Dentaire Internationale (FDI) notation

The Fédération Dentaire Internationale or FDI World Dental Federation notation system is a commonly used system for the numbering and naming of teeth. The system uses a two number system for the location and naming of each tooth. Permanent teeth The jaw is divided into four quadrants between t...

Odontogenic sinusitis

Odontogenic sinusitis describes inflammation of the maxillary sinus secondary to dental pathology or dental procedures. Epidemiology Odontogenic sinusitis accounts for 5-70% of cases of chronic maxillary sinusitis. It is the most common cause of unilateral maxillary sinusitis 6. Clinical pres...

American Dental Association Universal Numbering System

The American Dental Association Universal Numbering System is a tooth notation system primarily used in the United States. Teeth are numbered from the viewpoint of the dental practitioner looking into the open mouth, clockwise starting from the distalmost right maxillary teeth. Permanent teeth...

Periapical radiolucency (teeth)

Periapical radiolucencies are commonly observed findings on OPG and other dental/head and neck imaging modalities. Differential diagnosis They can represent a number of pathologies: periapical lucency related to apical periodontitis periapical granuloma periapical abscess periapical cyst ...


Pericoronitis is the inflammation of the tissues around the crown of a partially erupted tooth.  Pathology Pericoronitis most commonly occurs around the third mandibular molars. It initially manifests as a localised gingivitis, can extend into the alveolar bone and may progress to a head/neck ...

Dental trauma

Dental trauma is common, affecting up to one-third of the population. While often clinically apparent, they may be overlooked in the setting of severe trauma.  Pathology The maxillary incisors are the most commonly injured tooth. Dental trauma is commonly classified as 1,2: luxation ​concuss...

Dental fracture

Dental fractures are often clinically apparent but can be overlooked in cases with associated facial fractures, especially as root fractures may be clinically occult.  Terminology When both a tooth and alveolar process are fractured, the term dentoalveolar fracture may be used 1.  Pathology ...

Dental luxation

Dental luxation is a common manifestation of dental trauma and may be associated with socket fractures.   Pathology Dental luxation is a general term encompassing 1: concussion: tender tooth, no loosening/displacement subluxation: tender tooth, loosening without displacement extrusive luxat...

Dental implant

Dental implants are a common procedure used to replace absent teeth. Radiology has a role in pre-implant planning as well as post-implant assessment including identification of complications.  Radiographic features Dental cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) is the most common modality used in...

Sinus lift procedure

The sinus lift procedure, also known as subantral augmentation, is performed in patients with insufficient bone stock to secure a dental implant in the maxilla.  Procedure The aim of the sinus lift procedure is to increase the height and width of maxillary alveolar bone (to at least 5 mm in wi...

Apical periodontitis

Apical periodontitis refers to a spectrum of diseases that occur around the tooth apex and these can include 1,4: periodontitis chronic periodontitis aggressive periodontitis necrotising periodontitis periapical granuloma periapical abscess periapical (radicular) cyst Clinical presentati...

Congenitally absent lateral incisors

  Diagnosis certain
Henry Knipe
Published 09 Jul 2020
79% complete

Hypercementosis - generalised

  Diagnosis certain
Henry Knipe
Published 05 Aug 2020
88% complete

Idiopathic osteosclerosis of the mandible

Idiopathic osteosclerosis of the mandible is a common incidental finding on dental imaging. Terminology Idiopathic Osteosclerosis is also known as dense bone islands, enostoses, bone scar, bone whorl or focal periapical osteopetrosis 1,2,3. Idiopathic osteosclerosis is the preferred terminolo...

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